Sooo now the summer ended.. Need to go down south. have been a blasting summer, that never should have ended!! took a long time to recover after the festival tour this summer
have been in Berlin and around there the last month now, chilling meditating and going to town and paartiiies!!
Sitting in a internet cafe in Berlin right now - have been chilling in Berlin and wondering about starting a life here, with work and such - but Berlin is not really the best place to be - moving on again, now back to Denmark again and maybe to india again
got to go to Goa.
hughs and warmth from cold berlin

Sitting in a internet cafe in Berlin right now - have been chilling in Berlin and wondering about starting a life here, with work and such - but Berlin is not really the best place to be - moving on again, now back to Denmark again and maybe to india again

hughs and warmth from cold berlin