Enjoying the last days of summer in Denmark.. we still have 20-23 degrees celsius so i am off school, doing nothing untill next week when autumn is here to make it winter.. smile
Gonna be a good shroom season this autumn i guess ! hehe

And FUCK i still feel busted after this weekend.. i was at a party in the woods far away from town....
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dont worry
i only say stupids stuff
kisses kiss
Woah.. almost 3 months since last PosT. I just signed another 3 months of SG, so have been off all summer. I guess summer is over now, in Denmark it is back to work and school. And the weather is pretty depressing!
Had a okay summer, did miss Roskilde festival, but made it to VooV festival in Germany (Deutchland heiss es!) and that was sooo...
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Whoah - Roskilde festival is waiting, yuupiii gonna go there in 10 days and work some time in a pancakehouse selling and making cakes wink gonna be a good time there! And my 2 weeks summer holyday is starting monday, summer waiting and a lot of beers waiting as well..

I'm getting deeper into the mystery of Larry Darell the fake name non-fiction character in W....
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havn't been writing so much in this journal.. must be because of the wood parties the last month. this year we started up with a 300 people wood party.
so now i got to pull myself together and not go to all them parties all the time, spend some more time with family, friends and on suicidegirls, but i somehow always get an SMS telling;...
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Okay hvad er "wood party"?
Noget med en skov..?
wood party.. hmm var ret bagblst da jeg skrev det - det party in the bush - eller forest party - alts noget med et kmpe anlg i en skov og s feste til festen bliver lukket af politiet.. gang i den!!
Ohhh ARRR!!! had the first weed joint for 4 months, weed from the living room - was nice, got sooo blazed that and watched some stupid movie, next friday it was, god it's stupid!
watched waking life again, had to show that movie to hoovesofdoom..
Chemical Halo.
ja nogen gange har man sgu bare brug for en lille ryger..
is this a my journal im writin' in? still have a hard time finding my way through this website, eventhough it's pretty simple - but i can use half an hour tying my shoelaces - just for the looks of that invention, shoes n' laces - wow.!
So here i sit at shit o'clock nighttime in Denmark, not done the smokey wokey for 4...
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ja velkommen til jeg er ogs ny her.. herrenice tser ikk??
Hey man, welcome.

Saw yr post in the Chemical Halo group, if you're a SERIOUS psychonaut (& most who use that term are...), then come join us here.

robot ooo aaa