Dear lovely readers,
Im feeling a little better thanks to the concerted efforts of someone very special, (thank you love) and have been bolstered and cheered up by friends.. supportive ones and pervy ones.
All the issues are still there, but now I feel like I can divide and conquer instead of being overwhelmed.
Someone asked me to post a Christmas list, so here are some things..
Generally speaking, anything from either one of these websites tickles me.. or is a great idea of where to start. I also love anything crafty, handmade, or original art. PM me your Holiday wishlists too, I love sending presents!
I have realized that I watch far too much Family Guy. I hear 'Carol of the Bells' at least three times a day at work, but all my brain hears is:
Im feeling a little better thanks to the concerted efforts of someone very special, (thank you love) and have been bolstered and cheered up by friends.. supportive ones and pervy ones.

Someone asked me to post a Christmas list, so here are some things..
Generally speaking, anything from either one of these websites tickles me.. or is a great idea of where to start. I also love anything crafty, handmade, or original art. PM me your Holiday wishlists too, I love sending presents!
I have realized that I watch far too much Family Guy. I hear 'Carol of the Bells' at least three times a day at work, but all my brain hears is:
And my friend Brittney asks me to sing this at least once every day:
I talk like Al Harrington sometimes
I also do a fantatically realistic impression of this guy
Hugs to all!
p.s. what do YOU watch too much of?
Briliant new profile pic!
I like the smile

Aww, love your new profile picture.