So I was listening to the radio this morning, getting ready for work, and I heard an ad for the G.I. Joe movie. It made me happy.................. until the very end, when the announcer said
"This movie may not be suitable for children under 13"
(warning, i'm going to yell)
"This movie may not be suitable for children under 13"
(warning, i'm going to yell)
My favorite are the Public Serivice Announcements
Don't go with strangers..... says the man with the porno moustache on the three-wheeler....
And my FAVORITE........
Don't hide in a fridge...... REALLY??? There are so many children playing in junkyards that it is imperative to do an animated PSA.... NOT TO HIDE IN A FRIDGE..... wow....
And I think every SG member can appreciate this one....
You have to respect a moral lesson from a man in a vest with no shirt and a chest tattoo, who hangs out with little girls at the skate park.....
If you need a helper I'd gladly volunteer
