Camera fighting. Sometimes, downright immaturity is the best thing ever. She and I spent about fifteen minutes just trying to surprise each other and get stupid pictures while the other wasn't paying attention. I mean, nevermind the unfair advantage that she has a pointnshoot and my XT clicks off four frames a second, but oh well.
The best part is trying to dodge the books she's flinging at you to try and get away.
I'm sure she would appreciate me posting all these pictures of her, seeing as she constantly doubts her own beauty. Frankly I think she looks wonderful, but in deference to her own sense of self I did allow her to hide behind her camera.
And ignore the fact that I'm speaking in present-tense, I'm just getting so excited to see her in 6 days that I'm about to wet my pants.
Glad I could be of service to you, You're welcome