it smells like sex and sex in here.... no candy ;) How I love Sat. morning
totally not going to work today. No reason, just because I can. Now what to do with my day.....
Dearest residents,
You have been given the most glorious and important task of paving the way for legalized marijuana. Don't fuck it up. It's not that difficult, just don't be stupid about it. Don't bring pot brownies to school functions, I'm talking to you retarded teacher. Don't go giving that shit to kids, don't drive high and cause a pile up, just chill out. Follow...
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Going to look at dresses tomorrow. I'm so fucking nervous, I shouldn't be I don't plan to buy just want to get an idea of what looks nice on me.
It's all sinking in now, I'm excited and yet at the same time feel like nothings changed! We are not in a hurry but I find myself looking at venues and dresses already. Good grief what am I in for? hahaha I don't wear rings, so it still feels odd to have this on my hand but here it is in all it's shiny glory.
Eeek! I'm engaged!!! What the crap is happening here??? BWAHAHAHAHA Lovin it
I was so excited to restart my SG account earlier this year. Unfortunately, this will be short lived, I have tried to roll with the changes of the new site, but it is just NOT working for me. I find it cumbersome to navigate, I have to set 6,000 settings just to maintain my privacy, and it just feels way to much like some fucked...
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not sure I'm diggin the new site layout......
So we purchased an 89' Jeep Wrangler for my boyfriend's son who just turned sixteen. He doesn't get his license til March, and this Jeep needs some work. Problem. I've absolutely fallen in love with this jeep! There's so much work that we are putting into it, and I'm finding that when I select things for it, I'm picking things I like that I would...
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