chuck e-cheese's wasn't so bad.I got a cute picture taken with the midget. I had a hard time not wanting to bop some of the parents who were just ignoreing their screaming obnoxious children. its like, yes I know this place is made for kids but that doesn't mean they can just run freely. I mean part of having a place for kids to go to with their parents is so you can spend time with them not so you can ignore them. you know? like. when I go out with my daughter, part of the point to me, is to spend time with her, not to ignore her. So i play games with her till i get on her nerves. lol. She's going to get tired of me for that some day but she will grow up knowing I love her. thats better than wondering.
some guy at school... It occurred to me today. has a crush on me. I mean I have noticed him acting like this before.. but i just now put all the info togeather in my head today and really saw it for what it was.. he flat out has crush on me. He flipping followed me to my car after class all googly eyed and he parked in a seperate parking lot on the other side of the campus! lol you know, when i was single,noone wanted anything to do with me. it slike, i couldn't keep them off me with knives now. hehe.
this morning i missed my psychology test because i couldnt get my car started, turned out to just be that my car was too cold and i needed to pump my gas. but by the time i realized this (i'm dumb about cars) I was too late to go to class. So I will have to make up my test, joy and rapture (god how i miss ren and stimpy)
Anyways I'm tired. I think I'mgoing to go to bed soon.After I take care of more important urges.
some guy at school... It occurred to me today. has a crush on me. I mean I have noticed him acting like this before.. but i just now put all the info togeather in my head today and really saw it for what it was.. he flat out has crush on me. He flipping followed me to my car after class all googly eyed and he parked in a seperate parking lot on the other side of the campus! lol you know, when i was single,noone wanted anything to do with me. it slike, i couldn't keep them off me with knives now. hehe.

this morning i missed my psychology test because i couldnt get my car started, turned out to just be that my car was too cold and i needed to pump my gas. but by the time i realized this (i'm dumb about cars) I was too late to go to class. So I will have to make up my test, joy and rapture (god how i miss ren and stimpy)
Anyways I'm tired. I think I'mgoing to go to bed soon.After I take care of more important urges.

if i had known you when you were single, you wouldn't be able to say that. i woulda been all over you.
i think you sound like a great mom, by the way.