I was a busy girl this weekend. Not that I was doing anything terribly exciting. Most of it had something or other to do with responsibilty.
hehe. speaking of which, i have to leave in a few minutes to go take a test... I guess I have to be a grown up and go look for one of those job like thingers this afternoon. My cousin (he's more like a nephew I'm 20 years older than him and my daughter is only a year younger than him) is having his birthday party this afternoon, umm yay chuck-e-cheeses?
lol i hate screaming kids. I hate chaos like that. but I shall go.and I shall pretend to have a good time, and I'll try hard not to scream when that giant mouse trys to touch my midget.

I love chucky cheeses - id so go if i was out there...by the way, where the hell do u live??
im 3hrs from Dallas - just moved down here from there....Do u ever go there? I wanna see a pic of your baby - is she as cute as u are??