well i feel better.grungy but better.tomorrow i have to clean up my house cause i have a roomate moving in.i hope that goes well the last one was a total fuck up that always got drunk and peed on the bathroom floor.a puppy would have made a better roommate!
i feel like the older i get the less motivated or energy i have.kinda sucks.i wish i could redo my 20's.blah.i dont know for some reason i dont even feel like going out and drinking that much anymore.
just doesn't seem worth the money,hang-over and empty sex.well pretty soon i'll feel like i'm a slave to work and that will either push me to drink more? or be more of a hermit.
i feel like the older i get the less motivated or energy i have.kinda sucks.i wish i could redo my 20's.blah.i dont know for some reason i dont even feel like going out and drinking that much anymore.

So really, how did you know about the event? Does it show up in my calendar even though it's not a public event? I hadn't posted anything in my journal yet. Are you secretly in the group? Do you have an insider feeding you info? And why the hell haven't you been approved for membership yet?
Regardless, it would be cool if you could come. We always have so much fun at these things, despite the money, hang-over, and empty sex.