fuck sakes.i just deleted my journal by accident/blah
SO.that cherry set was the bomb today..woohoo.yummy.
and well the other..
so,how screwed is this. i have to take my laundry to my job interview on wed.cause after i'm going to go to my parents to wash it..hopefully i can get lunch out somewhere out of my mom.lol.or dinner!!!.
i'm playing avoid the landlord cause i dont have any money to give him.blah.but hopefully i'll get that job and he'll relax.
(edit)so i opened the door for my landlord and told him i didnt have anything for him yet!! but i'd call him as soon as i did.seems the "manager"(i use the term loosely) didnt even give him the money i gave him, to give to the landlord at the beginning of the month .till after the landlord came knocking on my door and i handed him that 2 weeks money amount and told/asked him if he had got my other 250.. 2 weeks ago.and no he didn't!! so here i am busting my ass to be on good terms with my landlord by paying him every 2 weeks.(i have 2 months worth of back rent owing) and the guy is spending it and not even giving it to my landlord.blah. anyways i couldnt give him a cut this cheques as i had to pay off half of all my backed up bills to keep them happy.and a bus pass to use to apply to jobs.so hopefully i'll get this job that i'm going into on wed.
man what an asshole for not giving the guy your money..shit like that makes me so mad
I agree, a lot of the new sets coming out are not original, and some are fairly lame. I though SG was about "alternative" type picutres, not someone that looks like the girl next door in a plain white, or plain appartment or something...What happened to all the freaky girls. They only come out every once in a while now...