I was tagged by Dollbabyamy. So here we go... 20 things about me:
1. I have traveled to 10 different countries.
Edited: I forgot 3 countries. Total countries: 13
2. But I have only visited 5 out of our own 50 states.
3. My favorite food is sushi.
4. I was a cheerleader in High School.
5. Before Chimay (who Ive been with for over 2 years) my longest relationship was 6 months.
6. Everyday I question whether or not I am in the right career and contemplate trying something completely different. Ive had my job for over 2 years and still feel that I have no clue what Im doing, am basically faking it, and any day now my supervisors will figure that out.
7. I love Chimay with all of my heart, even when hes grumpy (like he is tonight), and want to marry him and have his babies.
8. My mom is one of my favorite people in the whole world.
9. I love my Halloween costume, and am looking forward to the party this weekend.
10. I have 2 cats, Kitty and Mimi, who are my babies and I love them to death, because they are sooooo cute. I need to post pics.
11. I also have fishtropical fish11 of them. Theyre not as cute, and cleaning the tank is kind of a pain. It was an impulsive decision to get them. The tank is pretty and its kind of calming to look at though.
12. Im finding people on SG to be very friendly and fun and am glad Chimay got me to join.
13. Trying to come up with 20 things about myself is becoming extremely difficult.
14. I own my own home (well, condo).
15. Family means the world to me.
16. I hate cottage cheese. The texture (with all the lumps) is disgusting.
17. Im afraid of the ocean. I think that I was eaten by a shark in a previous life. If I get in the ocean past my knees, I get panic attacks and truly think that a shark is right next to or below me.
18. Ive been to Mardi Gras and got lots of beads.
19. Im a perfectionist and am way to hard on myself.
20. Im terrible at making small talk with people I dont know very well, and am therefore very self-conscious and shy at parties unless I have lots of booze.
I tag:
1. I have traveled to 10 different countries.
Edited: I forgot 3 countries. Total countries: 13
2. But I have only visited 5 out of our own 50 states.
3. My favorite food is sushi.
4. I was a cheerleader in High School.
5. Before Chimay (who Ive been with for over 2 years) my longest relationship was 6 months.
6. Everyday I question whether or not I am in the right career and contemplate trying something completely different. Ive had my job for over 2 years and still feel that I have no clue what Im doing, am basically faking it, and any day now my supervisors will figure that out.
7. I love Chimay with all of my heart, even when hes grumpy (like he is tonight), and want to marry him and have his babies.

8. My mom is one of my favorite people in the whole world.
9. I love my Halloween costume, and am looking forward to the party this weekend.
10. I have 2 cats, Kitty and Mimi, who are my babies and I love them to death, because they are sooooo cute. I need to post pics.
11. I also have fishtropical fish11 of them. Theyre not as cute, and cleaning the tank is kind of a pain. It was an impulsive decision to get them. The tank is pretty and its kind of calming to look at though.
12. Im finding people on SG to be very friendly and fun and am glad Chimay got me to join.
13. Trying to come up with 20 things about myself is becoming extremely difficult.
14. I own my own home (well, condo).
15. Family means the world to me.
16. I hate cottage cheese. The texture (with all the lumps) is disgusting.
17. Im afraid of the ocean. I think that I was eaten by a shark in a previous life. If I get in the ocean past my knees, I get panic attacks and truly think that a shark is right next to or below me.
18. Ive been to Mardi Gras and got lots of beads.

19. Im a perfectionist and am way to hard on myself.
20. Im terrible at making small talk with people I dont know very well, and am therefore very self-conscious and shy at parties unless I have lots of booze.
I tag:
Speaking of Seth...big surprise, he got the regent to UC Riverside, graduated with dual math and physics degrees in *3* years, went on to Grad school at U of Washington and just got his PhD in particle physics. He's doing a post doc in Baltimore and is set to become a groundbreaker in the medical physics field. And he's still just 'Seth'...dude never ceases to amaze me.
Anyway, I'll be in Sac for Turkey Day so I'll drop you guys a line. I need to do the fam thing of course but I'm sure I'll have some time to get away at some point.