this is out of here......thanks to everyone who gave a damn or cared....if yer interested in keeping in touch paper street has an account on myspace now......just do a search on THE PAPER STREET SOAP CO. and it should come too lazy to find the URL......thank you and goodnight
update: ADD style
my friends and i have smoothed things out...were still friends and all....
michelle is finally here...all the way from CANADAR...hopefully for good...barring me screwing up this is a pretty safe bet
the bands are still chugging along...paper street is writing new material and its coming along great...we might also have a show or two in october...and i need to go talk to...
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my friends and i have smoothed things out...were still friends and all....
michelle is finally here...all the way from CANADAR...hopefully for good...barring me screwing up this is a pretty safe bet
the bands are still chugging along...paper street is writing new material and its coming along great...we might also have a show or two in october...and i need to go talk to...
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Haven't seen any posts on the Grindcore or Extreme groups from you lately. Just wondering where you were. You always seemed to have some awesome things to say.
update time:
*points to new profile pic* HOLY SHIT THOSE GUYS LOOK PISSED!!
quick band report: were writing new shit and im really pleased with what were doing and the way its turning out...its ridiculous how much better weve gotten at our instruments...we still suck tho...if anyone has any show leads in ohio or the surrounding areas feel free to hook us really appreciate...
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*points to new profile pic* HOLY SHIT THOSE GUYS LOOK PISSED!!
quick band report: were writing new shit and im really pleased with what were doing and the way its turning out...its ridiculous how much better weve gotten at our instruments...we still suck tho...if anyone has any show leads in ohio or the surrounding areas feel free to hook us really appreciate...
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more drama than i would be able to stand...... better times are coming, sir......
I have lost a child-that sucks bro...but the fates have spoken...just balance yourself and look my brother Kurtz has pointed out...better days are ahead...
holy shit....i went longer than a month in updating...not that anyone gives a flying fuck....
paper street played friday.....we HEADLINED!!! know what that means? it means we had a LOT OF FUCKING TIME TO FILL!!! it was all good tho..well excpt for me throwing up before we went on...i get nervous before shows for some retarded ass reason....we went over pretty well.....and the club...
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paper street played friday.....we HEADLINED!!! know what that means? it means we had a LOT OF FUCKING TIME TO FILL!!! it was all good tho..well excpt for me throwing up before we went on...i get nervous before shows for some retarded ass reason....we went over pretty well.....and the club...
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"coalesce, mister bungle and the dillinger escape plan meeting in a car wreck somewhere"
wow you guys have issues
sounds cool
im busy looking for a new job now
and might move
but if i was you i would check out
The Hi Fi CLub
and Pats in the Flats
for Cleveland shows to start with
oh and maybe The Pirates Cove
definitely come out Tuesday to Pats in the FLats to see Sg texas and her punk band The Vexed as well as someBroadJem being DJ
see you there
wow you guys have issues
sounds cool
im busy looking for a new job now
and might move
but if i was you i would check out
The Hi Fi CLub
and Pats in the Flats
for Cleveland shows to start with
oh and maybe The Pirates Cove
definitely come out Tuesday to Pats in the FLats to see Sg texas and her punk band The Vexed as well as someBroadJem being DJ
see you there
you need some CLERIC in your life will thank me later
story time....
paper street played out last night at pats in the flats.....we had to be there by 8....the drummer got home from work at the guitarist and i rush over to his place to start loading were loading i notice the drummer has nothing in his car ready to go and sits down to have some dinner and chat with his
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paper street played out last night at pats in the flats.....we had to be there by 8....the drummer got home from work at the guitarist and i rush over to his place to start loading were loading i notice the drummer has nothing in his car ready to go and sits down to have some dinner and chat with his
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woot/ wootah... exactly. It needs no explanation. In other words, why not?
Hey, let me know what kind of music your band plays (awesome name, by the way), i'm in two bands and one of them plays in and around cleveland alot. Maybe we could set up a show sometime, tho i'm not the one who sets up the shows, our singer does that.
And newer Anthrax rules. Stomp 442 is the only John Bush album I don't own.
And newer Anthrax rules. Stomp 442 is the only John Bush album I don't own.
time for the monthly or so update....
the bands been doing really good lately...weve been getting shows and playing out like crazy and the response has been all good...its been very cool...speaking of the band....we open for tub ring this fucking pumped....i havent seen them since.....well..the LAST time we opened for tub ring....theyre always awesome live tho...were gonna get blown off the stage...haha....looking forward...
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the bands been doing really good lately...weve been getting shows and playing out like crazy and the response has been all good...its been very cool...speaking of the band....we open for tub ring this fucking pumped....i havent seen them since.....well..the LAST time we opened for tub ring....theyre always awesome live tho...were gonna get blown off the stage...haha....looking forward...
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My pleasure. Some people have it coming.

the last few weeks have been the worst in my life too, but also the best, because i think that every experience enriches your life in some way, and leads to positive change.. either sooner or later.
hope things look up for you.
hope things look up for you.

its been a while since ive been online and even longer since ive updated this thing so here goes....
the band played in kent last wednesday...kinda nervewracking because it was a real small club and it seems with the small places all they have is a vocal PA and everytime we play at said small places the guy who knows how to work the PA...
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the band played in kent last wednesday...kinda nervewracking because it was a real small club and it seems with the small places all they have is a vocal PA and everytime we play at said small places the guy who knows how to work the PA...
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awesome thanx
i dont mind saying mine here.
my name is melissa scott.
im not sure about simones. ill put a message on her journal tell her to send her name to you.
my name is melissa scott.
im not sure about simones. ill put a message on her journal tell her to send her name to you.
im off from work for a whole week.....sweet sweet vacation...this is going to be a good thing....ive got some little things i need to do around here and concerning the band so it will be nice to catch up on things and not worry about having to go into the job....
we finally got our cds back from the manufacturer like two weeks so...
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we finally got our cds back from the manufacturer like two weeks so...
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mosquito control.....
so...the show went alright...we had a few people come up afterwards and say how much they dug it..which was cool because we dont get that often....the club was kinda shady but what can you do? were unkowns and there arent many places to play around here to begin with...
speaking of the band....i got everything in the mail the manufacturer and hopefully in about two...
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speaking of the band....i got everything in the mail the manufacturer and hopefully in about two...
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just what it sounds like. Very small sculpture.
ok, we've flirted enough..... be mine.....
im getting sick.....suckorama.....the band practiced today...we sounded pretty good...i think were going to do well next thursday....hopefully well actually get people to show up too....clubs LOVE that kinda shit...i also got in a quote to the cd duplicator today so HOEPFULLY well have the cds done before that too much to ask? is it?
its the nyabinghi in youngstown. thats my bar. i hang out there a lot. member piggweiser works there and member ultimatedonny's band plays there sometimes.
best i can give ya
best i can give ya
it couldve been different then im not sure...but the sound guy is greg.
greg is my friend that OWNS the binghi.
hes far from a stoner though.
thats why im confused.
eh whatever.
greg is my friend that OWNS the binghi.
hes far from a stoner though.
thats why im confused.
eh whatever. slowly setting up things on this site so people dont think im one of those creepy stalker peoples....the last thing on the list is this thing..the journal.....ive always had an issue with these things...cause it reminded me of livejournal....and that whole thing bugs me....the idea of posting the details of yer life for the whole internet to see? the first question that pops into...
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you dont have to post any details, and i dont htink that peopel who just look at the pics are creepy. it's just fun to post stuff online. then you get lots of comments and you feel like you're cool and popular cuz all those damn cheerleaders ignored you all through high school fucking bitches. and then on graduation day people kept asking you why you were there cuz you didnt even go to that school even though those were the same peopel you've been going to school with for the past 8 years. oh, wait, you! and i dont think anyone relaly gives a fuck, but it's enteratining sometimes.