The Venture Bros. has since its 2003 debut been one of the best, and most under-appreciated, shows on television. Airing on Cartoon Networks Adult Swim block, the show began as a parody of (and tribute to) Jonny Quest, and other 60s space age adventure shows. However, it quickly developed its own...
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Monday Jul 30, 2012
Since the publication of her now classic book Eros the Bittersweet a … -
Anne Carson: Antigonick
Since the publication of her now classic book Eros the Bittersweet a … -
Friday Jul 27, 2012
This is one of the only times Ive spoken to Alex Kurtzman by himself.… -
Alex Kurtzman
This is one of the only times Ive spoken to Alex Kurtzman by himself.… -
Wednesday Jul 25, 2012
I actually met Madeline Zima in person at the South by Southwest film… -
Madeline Zima
I actually met Madeline Zima in person at the South by Southwest film… -
Wednesday Jul 11, 2012
Luke Chueh studied graphic design and worked as a designer for many y… -
Luke Chueh: The Art of Luke Chueh
Luke Chueh studied graphic design and worked as a designer for many y… -
Monday Jul 09, 2012
Patton Oswalt braved a very rough cell phone connection to give a pho… -
Patton Oswalt: Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
Patton Oswalt braved a very rough cell phone connection to give a pho…