A few days ago I had to put my little girl down. She got sick very quickly, and my main concern was her comfort. It was a horrible day, I'm still upset and missing her.
A few other SGs and I were featured in this month's Front magazine
I worked on some computers, one of my fave Friday night pastimes.
I went out a few nights
And some days
So lets have a chat. This set, Richardson is still in MR. If you like this set, comment on it. Its been up since Feb, and I haven't had a set go up since Dec. If the set just isn't good, I'd like to know your feedback. I'm considering pulling this set from the site if its not gonna get bought. thanks...

A few other SGs and I were featured in this month's Front magazine

I worked on some computers, one of my fave Friday night pastimes.

I went out a few nights

And some days

So lets have a chat. This set, Richardson is still in MR. If you like this set, comment on it. Its been up since Feb, and I haven't had a set go up since Dec. If the set just isn't good, I'd like to know your feedback. I'm considering pulling this set from the site if its not gonna get bought. thanks...
Awwww....I'm sorry to heat 'bout your bunny.
So sorry about your poor bunny~