Time for a new update.
Tonight is starguitar's last in Montreal as he's moving down south in a hurry. Beer at Roy Bar, 9pm.
My work has finished moving to a different floor in our building, great relief.
I need to build the firewall/gateway for this conference today.
I think I'll go cycling. I haven't been in absolutely way too long, it's ridiculous, I'll probably won't even be able to climb the berri cte.
The heat is oppressing right now. My thermometer says 30. Radio Canada says 28.8 and 37.9 with humidex. All my windows are open, I'm naked, there's a draft going on and I'm still too hot.
That is all.
Tonight is starguitar's last in Montreal as he's moving down south in a hurry. Beer at Roy Bar, 9pm.
My work has finished moving to a different floor in our building, great relief.
I need to build the firewall/gateway for this conference today.
I think I'll go cycling. I haven't been in absolutely way too long, it's ridiculous, I'll probably won't even be able to climb the berri cte.
The heat is oppressing right now. My thermometer says 30. Radio Canada says 28.8 and 37.9 with humidex. All my windows are open, I'm naked, there's a draft going on and I'm still too hot.
That is all.

I call them the "miscellaneous lane" because people use the for stopping to talk on their cellphones, run in to get a coffee, talk to their friends on the street and picking their girlfriend up from yoga. There is without fail at least one asshole stopped in the bike lane on every block, and a DPT asshole ignoring the double parker yet ticketing some poor bastard who did the right thing and parked in a loading zone instead of blocking the bikes.