I'm spending christmas eve writing drafts for a business plan. I ate spaghetti with tomato sauce for supper. Gee, it might as well be a normal wednesday today ;-).
I'll try and go out tonight.
EDIT: Sometime in early january, there will be a new profile picture. The current one is okay, but it doesn't represent me faithfully.
I'll try and go out tonight.
EDIT: Sometime in early january, there will be a new profile picture. The current one is okay, but it doesn't represent me faithfully.
ok, check out the SGcanada group for tomorrows plan

no media is ever objective or unbiased. the key is to figure out what their bias is. usually be looking at who owns the paper and where their loyalties (for lack of a better word) lie. the labels 'left-wing' and 'right-wing' really have no meaning anymore. just because a paper or media source doesn't appear to tow the government line, doesn't mean they are unbiased or objective. you have to educate themselves about what each media corporation has to gain from you reading/watching/listening to their 'news.'