Well my subscription will be up at the end of the month. It would've been up a while ago, but I got had a few extra months credited to my account. It's been more then 3 years, couldn't have been all that bad.
I have moved. The condo will be all mine this afternoon.
- Get blinds
- PaintOngoing...
- Get shower tap fixedDone
- Get pantry door handle fixedDone
- Bitch about scratched tiles harderOngoing...
Yeah, something like that happened to me too. The update is that, after it finished, I was left with /lost+found and nothing else. That is, if I read / . But if I cd'd directly to a directory, it was there, the path was fine and everything. It's totally unusable, but I was able to move everything to a backup server intact (with a few exceptions).
That's a whole other sad tale, though, as the backup server was older than I thought, and wouldn't load the 2.6 kernel through debian (which I now officially hate, and only use because I don't care enough to build a box when it's not an emergency), which meant I'm running 2.4.27 now, and dealing with a lame ass kernel bug that causes lock-ups if swap usage gets high. I should have that resolved soon, though, and all will be right with the world for another year or so.
That's a whole other sad tale, though, as the backup server was older than I thought, and wouldn't load the 2.6 kernel through debian (which I now officially hate, and only use because I don't care enough to build a box when it's not an emergency), which meant I'm running 2.4.27 now, and dealing with a lame ass kernel bug that causes lock-ups if swap usage gets high. I should have that resolved soon, though, and all will be right with the world for another year or so.
Merci bien! So, how do you say "I suck" in French?
Hmm, it's possible. However, he did end up recreating the site for me from cache copies he found on MSN, Google and Yahoo, so I am wondering what happened to it to begin with, but I am pleased that he rebuilt the thing for me.
Mortgage update:
I'm pre-approved by the first lender.
I signed a purchase contract on the condo. A loft style 1 bed-room.
The downpayment is taken care of (thanks Mom ;-).)
I'm waiting for the lender to confirm they'll fund it.
I'm pre-approved by the first lender.
I signed a purchase contract on the condo. A loft style 1 bed-room.
The downpayment is taken care of (thanks Mom ;-).)
I'm waiting for the lender to confirm they'll fund it.
Really? That price range sounds so hight to me! Maybe thats a bad sign.

I think I'm of your mind when it comes to pea/peanut butter. I wish I could eat Nutella. That sounds fabulous.
I've applied for a mortgage.
It's scary. I would owe more money then I've earned in total throughout my short life. All that to live in a 3 1/2 a little bit east of here.
If it goes through, I'll probably miss my loft. Probably.
It's scary. I would owe more money then I've earned in total throughout my short life. All that to live in a 3 1/2 a little bit east of here.
If it goes through, I'll probably miss my loft. Probably.
a mortgage... scarry... but surely a good move

that's a big step,but i think a good step for you. way to go!
I am somewhat unhappy and depressed.
been there been there having a bit of a trial leaving there but it is happening. keep working at it and get out more. it is helping me considerably to get out and socialize more.
which group do you own?
I'm spending way too much time alone around the house. I should go out more.
Yea I'm starting to notice now the effecets of lack of sleep... I've never been a big sleeper, but I'd usually get maybe 7 hours anf during crunch times more like 5.. but for the past two months it's been 5 hours a night steadily, which completely burnt me out. I can'r imagine how you did less, for a year!
Hmm... I find that I gain more weight with school... snacks are an excuse to take a break, and there's no time for exercise... but at least at work I disturb others if I'm eating every hour
I don't really mind the weight, though, it's the lack of muscle and insomnia
I find an exercise routine is easiest to stick to if it's part of your whole routine... at one point I was working at a company where I could start at 9:30... so I'd go to the gym for 7:30, get some cardio in (maybe 30 mins) and then head to work. It wasn't much, but I did it every day so it helped, and from the time I got up to the time I left, I had very little time to make up an excuse not to go, hah. These days the early mornings are not so good though
Buying an elliptical machine or something could help... they're very natural and give you a good work out without sucking immensely like a treadmill, hah. You could stick it right in front of the TV and put a movie on
Hmm... I find that I gain more weight with school... snacks are an excuse to take a break, and there's no time for exercise... but at least at work I disturb others if I'm eating every hour

I find an exercise routine is easiest to stick to if it's part of your whole routine... at one point I was working at a company where I could start at 9:30... so I'd go to the gym for 7:30, get some cardio in (maybe 30 mins) and then head to work. It wasn't much, but I did it every day so it helped, and from the time I got up to the time I left, I had very little time to make up an excuse not to go, hah. These days the early mornings are not so good though

Buying an elliptical machine or something could help... they're very natural and give you a good work out without sucking immensely like a treadmill, hah. You could stick it right in front of the TV and put a movie on

That page is perfect! Thanks!

I think I might be anti-social a bit.
Merry (Xmas|XXXmas|Christmas|Hannukah|Yule|<insert your own thing here> ) and a Happy Gregorian New Year.
Merry (Xmas|XXXmas|Christmas|Hannukah|Yule|<insert your own thing here> ) and a Happy Gregorian New Year.
It's december.
It's snowing, again. It's also -2C right now. Make that snowing quita hard.
I don't want to get out of the house but I haven't been outside since late friday night/early saturday morning.
I am an hermit.
I also need an haircut. I think. Although longer hairs are warmer.
Warmth is good.
There's some work I have to do eventually. How come I...
Read More
It's snowing, again. It's also -2C right now. Make that snowing quita hard.
I don't want to get out of the house but I haven't been outside since late friday night/early saturday morning.
I am an hermit.
I also need an haircut. I think. Although longer hairs are warmer.
Warmth is good.
There's some work I have to do eventually. How come I...
Read More
now that's just gross.
sounds more like skin surgery to me.
I'm out of clever things to write but I felt like changing the text in this box.
I need vacations, anyone has suggestions for something to do for a week in late november? I'm near-broke, or rather, I'm not broke but I should be paying off debts.
I need vacations, anyone has suggestions for something to do for a week in late november? I'm near-broke, or rather, I'm not broke but I should be paying off debts.
They're slides so the medium is put between sheets of acrylic. It's human blood (mine specifically), cutouts from vintage slides and just a marker to scribble the text in each one.
take part in support groups like Tyler does in Fight club,
Go do a very big grocery and then when it's time to pay, used a loaded credit card,
sign up to act as a santa claus in a shopping mall,
do your laundry!
go see the Crips or the Bloods and ask them if they need new members...
Go do a very big grocery and then when it's time to pay, used a loaded credit card,
sign up to act as a santa claus in a shopping mall,
do your laundry!
go see the Crips or the Bloods and ask them if they need new members...