My short blog is about blogging.
While I sometimes enjoy reading the blogs of others, I just don't feel all that inspired to do it myself. I find that when I want to say something, I usually have a person or audience in mind. Writing something and just sending it out to the world, not knowing who (if anyone) will read it, just doesn't connect to me.
I find it interesting that a lot of groups on SG require you to have a blog to be a member. It makes sense in terms of weeding out people, but for someone like me who finds the whole concept of writing a blog a little unusual, I think it might exclude some people who are interested in 'listening' to what others have to say, but may not be ready to contribute.
For anyone who does know me, this might come as a surprise, as in real life I believe I am quite well known for having an opinion on most things.
On another matter, I'm currently dog-sitting for a friend, and I'm loving it! I get to play dog-owner for a few days, without taking on the commitment of becoming one for real. Excellent! Here's a pic of Phoebe (the dog) cuddling Evan (the human).
While I sometimes enjoy reading the blogs of others, I just don't feel all that inspired to do it myself. I find that when I want to say something, I usually have a person or audience in mind. Writing something and just sending it out to the world, not knowing who (if anyone) will read it, just doesn't connect to me.
I find it interesting that a lot of groups on SG require you to have a blog to be a member. It makes sense in terms of weeding out people, but for someone like me who finds the whole concept of writing a blog a little unusual, I think it might exclude some people who are interested in 'listening' to what others have to say, but may not be ready to contribute.
For anyone who does know me, this might come as a surprise, as in real life I believe I am quite well known for having an opinion on most things.
On another matter, I'm currently dog-sitting for a friend, and I'm loving it! I get to play dog-owner for a few days, without taking on the commitment of becoming one for real. Excellent! Here's a pic of Phoebe (the dog) cuddling Evan (the human).

Hey sexy mama, update your blog please. 

Hairy dog on a hairy chest... bless!