"The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity." -Giacometti
In case your wondering, my new paper is on existentialism and the art of Giacometti. Fun huh? Right now i'm sitting in art history class *love wireless internet* and we just finished discussing Caillebotte, which is nice, because he's a cool kind of guy. I always liked 'the floor scrapers' but we didnt show that. null
But now you can see it
Amazing isnt it? My mommy is coming up to see me this weekend because its my birthday *spins* I'm really looking forward to it. Maybe i'm a little bit homesick too? Or maybe i'm just stressed out about all my work. Anyway i hope everyone is doing well. Let me know whats going on in your life.
In case your wondering, my new paper is on existentialism and the art of Giacometti. Fun huh? Right now i'm sitting in art history class *love wireless internet* and we just finished discussing Caillebotte, which is nice, because he's a cool kind of guy. I always liked 'the floor scrapers' but we didnt show that. null
But now you can see it

I too am very homesick. I havent seen my mommy for four years.
Ok I know you said maybe homesick..but im horribly homesick.
your class sounds interesting. I just had a class on the analysis of 4 political speeches, from the 60s 70s 80s 90s
have fun!!