When Throeau was put in jail for his belief that it is ones duty to break an unjust law, Emerson, his mentor, came and said, Henry David, what are you doing in there? To which Thoreau replied, Waldo, what are YOU doing out THERE?
*Ive got an econ quiz on wed that I really need to do well on, and an art history research paper that needs to be in complete rough draft form by sunday night. so i'm a little stressed out. its stilly rainy here, which isnt so fun. but my birthday is on the 18th! so thats very exciting. my mommy is coming up to baltimore to see me, (and hopefully bringing me the digital camera i asked for
) so my plate is pretty full right now, but i think i only have about another month left of school... if i can only make it through!!!
*Ive got an econ quiz on wed that I really need to do well on, and an art history research paper that needs to be in complete rough draft form by sunday night. so i'm a little stressed out. its stilly rainy here, which isnt so fun. but my birthday is on the 18th! so thats very exciting. my mommy is coming up to baltimore to see me, (and hopefully bringing me the digital camera i asked for

i actually teach too.
We should stop this nonsense, get married already-- move to the woods and live deliberately
...anyway...you put Run Lola Run in parenthesis like it is the same as the Princess and the Warrior. Yes, same director and actress, but that would be like me going Lolita (Dr. Strangelove) because their both Kubrick movies with Peter Sellers. I want to see a comma in there, or at the very least a &!!