I march because I am a woman watching a misogynist of apocalyptic severity assume the presidency of one of a nation. I march because I am a woman of color who has had to watch countless acts of injustice against my fellow POC. I march because I am a sexual assault survivor watching a known rapist and perpetrator of abuse become the leader of millions of women who share my story. I march for those who are mentally ill and are watching the swearing in of someone with so much disrespect for people with disabilities and affordable healthcare that it’s a wonder he hasn’t slid down to the core of the earth with the weight of his hatred. I march because of the negative light constantly being shed on the the LGBTIQ community... for so many people watching the POTUS exist with a permanent sneer for anyone who isn’t straight, and for that matter isn’t cisgender either. I march because I have a uterus and intend for its use to remain my business but I’m watching a world leader who treats women’s bodies like public property. I march because I have luckily made a liveable wage in the past and I’m watching someone with their hand on the bible who wants to ensure millions of other people don’t make that much. I march because I’m an artist and have no doubt that I’m watching a ‘leader of the free world’ who will continue to disrespect any creative thing or person he doesn’t perfectly agree with and probably attempt to enact censorship or defund the arts in many ways. I march because I am also well educated, physically abled and not of any religion including those that are targeted; and acutely aware of all these privileges, desperate to break them down and show solidarity to those without them who are disrespected at best and in danger at worst. || Some quotes in this text are not my own but are ones that I relate with ❣️.