This year, I am thankful for countless amounts of changes.
This year has been one of the most challenging ones yet but I'm realizing that it all had a reason. I'm just growing as a perso and I am so grateful that I have had the strength to march through the fire.
School is expensive and mentally challenging and sometimes I just want to give up. I've lost friends and the idea of who I thought I was along the way, yet I am still grateful for it. I feel as though I am beginning to see everything more clearly. I have a better understanding of life and of myself. I am doing on being more gentle with myself. I am working on being positive & lending a helping hand, thinking before reacting & I am thankful that there is still took for me to mess up and grow. I am thankful to know that this isn't the end yet and I still have time to do things. Change my life, get my sociology degree and change other lives...
I moved into my own place with some lady friends for the first time. I am well and into my third year- almost finished with school!!! I am thankful for my immediate family who have been there every time I have called for advice or for anything really.
It's so easy to get caught up focusing in what you don't have, that you don't look around and see the small things.
For instance, I've slowly become thankful for my peaceful & positive walks to the bus. The fact that I can call my mother at anytime and she will be there to talk me through it. Or my 9 year old brother who I am slowly connecting with more and more throughout our days talking on the phone while I am away for school.
I am grateful to have met so many beautiful people since I have started my journey of creating art, attending college and connecting with lovely souls through forms of social media. --Especially the beautiful ladies around the world who I have grown close to.
I am grateful to be coming out of my shell after years of constantly being angry and scared to talk to others.
I am thankful that I get to share all of these thoughts to others as well. I have been working on naming things that have gone well throughout my day/things I've accomplished to get into the habit of looking at the positive side of things. And that- the possibility of change- is what I am most grateful for.
Blog HW for the lovely @rambo @missy @lyxzen ❤️