The blog homework for this week by @missy and @rambo is "what are you afraid of?"
I can't really think of any huge things off of my head so, I'm just going to go with smaller issues!
This one is pretty important to me haha.
I am absolutely TERRIFIED of Condors. For some reason I knew vultures existed, but I never knew about condors until a few years back when i went to the museum with my grandma and little brother. We walked into the bird section and I see this ridiculously large bird staring at me (and I'm a naturally paranoid person) so, I had this thought that it was going to come to life and eat me. I left the bird section immediately hahah.
And for some odd reason when something scares me, I also find it just as fascinating so I went home and learned all I could about them. These birds are exactly my height in both body length and wing length 😖
I don't think I have any phobias, but if I did, Condors would be it.
@dutch right!? It was such a shock to see that huge of a bird hahahah
They aren't very cute and I wouldn't want their job, but being able to soar like that must be amazing!! I wouldn't be afraid, they'll only eat ya if you're already dead.😉