2/26/15: entry:
I'm turning twenty and I've got all these fucking things that I have to do and I can never find my phone...
I'm trying to slow down and enjoy the days, but it seems near impossible at this rate.
Once one task is completed, I'm immediately looking for the next task that needs to be taken care of.
I'm constantly running around town trying to make as much money as I can so that I can survive college.
WHY is life about status and wealth. We were just born into this shit and then life was like, "here battle this out".
{Why do I feel so out of place? So behind in life? Is there some trick that I'm missing here. I feel like I'm constantly trying to reach that point of affection from others, but once I get closer I just clam up and become SO awkward and say weird things. Where is my brain!?}
Not complaining. I'm grateful to be living. Just expressing myself because I rarely do and I'm trying to start becoming more in tune with my feelings/self.
Thanks for always listening. ❤️ How are the rest of you feeling?
@jezzied this is true. I like this idea of living. I'm trying to do that as often as possible- sometimes not letting people's ideas of what it means to be successful is hard to ignore. Thanks for the advice ❤️
Don't be concerned about what you think other people's perceptions of you are. You are your own person. You know what makes you happy, and what fulfills you. Do you feel like you accomplished something when you finish whatever task or tasks you have set for yourself? Do you feel satisfied when you reach your goals (large or small)? If you feel good about yourself, and are happy with yourself, then other people's opinions shouldn't matter.