SG is for girls to shine while being themselves. That's why we're here (or at least why I am) and for you to suggest that I am not good enough is just plain rude.
You are just getting to know me. What if I can't afford any body mods at the moment?
A word of advice- not just on SG but also just in life in general. NEVER tell someone who they should or shouldn't be. You don't know where they've come from or how hard they have worked to get to that spot. Don't try to ruin their mold just because YOU are not satisfied with them. EVERY lady on here- and off of this site- is BEAUTIFUL in their own way and they do not need people trying to bring them down or second guess themselves for YOUR pleasure.
Part of my reason for being a part of @suicidegirls is to show the people who are judgmental that we do not need them around. And to show all the ladies that listen to these jerks that they are still beautiful no matter what anyone else says and you do not need their validation to be yourself! Do yo thang and those who don't agree will fall off❤️
Please be kind. Support is what this world needs. #endrant.
Photographer: Sidney Manuel
You are amazingly BEAUTIFULLL inside and out don't worry about the haters your gorgeous
You are gorgeous! <3