Hi guys! I feel like I haven't been on here forever! I thought I had it set up to where my Instagram posts would automatically transfer to here but I guess not! I think I'm finding that I like it better that way anyway because it really makes me sit back and talk about what I really feel on here.
I'm also super late on my blog homework from @lyxzen @rambo @charmaine which was "What made you feel good this week?"
So my answer is.. I had a wonderful weekend because I finally decided/had a chance to get out of the house and share my thoughts and laughs with a new group of people! I went to.. I guess you can say my second SG meet up @milloux threw the party and I had a blast. I wasn't going to go at first but I didn't really have a reason not to except for me being a bit shy haha. But I'm super glad I went because I met some of the nicest/beautiful people there (@sirius_ & @ackley) and it showed me that connecting with new people is absolutely awesome! And that made me super excited to start my new quarter of school! I feel like I am ready to connect with those around me!
How was your week?