this dosen't look good.
since when do i sit aroung waiting for a phone call?
from a boy?
since now apparently.
why dosen't shit ever go good for me?
this dosen't look good.
since when do i sit aroung waiting for a phone call?
from a boy?
since now apparently.
why dosen't shit ever go good for me?

which show? the one in buffalo or the one in Rochester? It was pretty awesome, even though I missed a bit of it!
Are you going to the TO prom?
it's not easy for me to find someone I'm attracted to that is also attracted to me... mostly cause I have pretty high standards... like I wanna date a suicidegirl standards. which I supposse aren't all THAT high but still it is to me... those types of girls just don't go for me, not when they've got hundreds of other in shape good looking guys that are after them ...
sitting around waiting for a boy to call you? looks like he's doing it right... no one sits around waiting for me to call...