Okay folks-time for a real update!! Sorry i haven't been around...i usually work an extra 4 hours everyday of overtime cause im poor like whoa.
But not this week-this week im relaxing before work cause I'm gettin way to burned out to only be 21.
June 26th is my cousins' wedding...which means-OPEN BAR! woot woot!!
Then July 25th is my amigos' wedding and im a bridesmaid so im kinda excited bout' that.Plus the dress is soooo fun!! It's red and strapless and is kinda like a tie up corset in the back!
August 18th me and the best friend, Maryanne got tix for Warped Tour at Darien Lake-YAY! Since we figured we'd be pooped after the show we're gonna camp too!! So wednesday is the concert and wed. night and Thurs. we'll be camping out trying to pick up American boys!
mwa ha ha
And in September I'm going to visit my long time chum in New Brunswick!! Yay! I wish i could have gone during the summer months but I've already got way too much going on then-ah well..at least there won't be any snow there in Sept!!
I'm going to get my swallows coloured in sometime real soon i think! woo!
But it's finally a nice day out and not raining so im off to wash the car. Grr...its ALWAYS dirty! Stupid black cars!!!

June 26th is my cousins' wedding...which means-OPEN BAR! woot woot!!
Then July 25th is my amigos' wedding and im a bridesmaid so im kinda excited bout' that.Plus the dress is soooo fun!! It's red and strapless and is kinda like a tie up corset in the back!

August 18th me and the best friend, Maryanne got tix for Warped Tour at Darien Lake-YAY! Since we figured we'd be pooped after the show we're gonna camp too!! So wednesday is the concert and wed. night and Thurs. we'll be camping out trying to pick up American boys!

And in September I'm going to visit my long time chum in New Brunswick!! Yay! I wish i could have gone during the summer months but I've already got way too much going on then-ah well..at least there won't be any snow there in Sept!!

I'm going to get my swallows coloured in sometime real soon i think! woo!
But it's finally a nice day out and not raining so im off to wash the car. Grr...its ALWAYS dirty! Stupid black cars!!!
