what a weekend...
Friday i worked till 12. Then went to a local bar thats actually inside a hotel...kind of like the hotel lobby/bar. Bust either way its hoppin on Friday nights.Anyways...its called the Cairn Croft and its the ultimate wrinkle ranch. its way too much fun to drink and dance and party with middle aged ppl. Its like a wedding reception...ecspecially when the dj busts out the ABBA.
Me and the best friend were approached by a scary boy though that just kept pointing out that the couple beside us kept groping each other. Very scary boy indeed,
Then on last night i went to my cousins stag and doe, that was also good times. My buddy Frankie came out with us also and it made oh so happy cause he's the best guy in the world.
Around midnight we left the stag and doe and went to the beloved Barzookas. The best friend also attended last night cause shes finally 19!! woot woot! It was a fun night. After the Zoo as we usually do we head to burgerking for some grub. On the way there...it finally stops raining. And then...it starts SNOWING!!!
what the hell is up with that!? SNOW!? its APRIL!! grrr. Silly Canada. In line for food at BK, this scary preppy boy watches me wipe a fluff off of Maryannes face. Then he says, "Are you guys girlfriends?" COMPLETELY SERIOUS.soooo very creepy. We look at each other and laugh and say no. Then he asks "Do you know where I can get some weed? Even just a joint?" Once again we laugh and say no. Silly boys.
And i would also like to add that my insomnia is back in full swing and you can usually find me in SG Chat from midnight-6am.
And i hate you daylight savings time.
The Sare
Friday i worked till 12. Then went to a local bar thats actually inside a hotel...kind of like the hotel lobby/bar. Bust either way its hoppin on Friday nights.Anyways...its called the Cairn Croft and its the ultimate wrinkle ranch. its way too much fun to drink and dance and party with middle aged ppl. Its like a wedding reception...ecspecially when the dj busts out the ABBA.

Then on last night i went to my cousins stag and doe, that was also good times. My buddy Frankie came out with us also and it made oh so happy cause he's the best guy in the world.

And i would also like to add that my insomnia is back in full swing and you can usually find me in SG Chat from midnight-6am.

And i hate you daylight savings time.

The Sare
fuckin snow lol. i was so pissed too