"I'm a long way gone but I ain't short lived
I got deep deep pockets that leak like a civ
I give 110 throughout the course of a night
And if I don't go home then I did things right
I'd like to settle down but I ain't that gal
Cuz everything I ever did I always did on the fly"
Yes i have Uncle Kracker stuck in my head! It's not my fault. I am now officially on vacation till the 28th!! woot woot! but i am too poor to go anywhere.
But its okay cause i found the most bitchin sunglasses at Value VIllage yesterday...
I got deep deep pockets that leak like a civ
I give 110 throughout the course of a night
And if I don't go home then I did things right
I'd like to settle down but I ain't that gal
Cuz everything I ever did I always did on the fly"
Yes i have Uncle Kracker stuck in my head! It's not my fault. I am now officially on vacation till the 28th!! woot woot! but i am too poor to go anywhere.

But its okay cause i found the most bitchin sunglasses at Value VIllage yesterday...

Yes those sunnies rawk!!