Doing laundry. Suddenly realizing I have an addiction. Before i discovered Value Village, i would have 4 loads of laundry with NOTHING left hanging in my closet. [about a year and a half ago] Today i have 6 loads of laundry and a still half full closet.
this is really really bad.
onto other news though...
yesterday during the Southern ONtario Monsoon we had i was jumping on my friends trampoline at her party i missed my landing and landed on my bum in a pile of mud.I now have a hatred for trampolines, a fear of monsoons and a sore bottom.
im gettin drunk this friday at a cheap hotel on Clifton Hill in the falls. wanna come? ask!! i
you all.
my car is gonna be hot pink by july.
i want a kitty.damn my parents allergies.
i must save money so i can move outta here soon and get me a
That is all.
this is really really bad.
onto other news though...
That is all.
Ultimate fweizbeeeee
im glad you like my photos... but i have to say... count the stars fucking suck...