OK, well Matt might not dig the Karaoke at Fraziers on Tuesday nights, but I'm all into that flaming bag of poo like you would not believe. Well, maybe Im not that into it, but I dig it more than mildly. Lots of good, wholesome, drunkoffyourass fun. A few weeks back I did that Ugly Kid Joe number, I Hate Everything About You, but directed it at all the scenesters that were within eyeshot. Lately Ive been mingling more with the scenester types and I figured it out why non-scenester scene people hate them. Its because they get laid left and right, its all jealousy. Well, maybe thats not all of it, theres a boatload of reasons why the folks on my side of the tracks are spiteful towards scenesters, but Im pretty sure it boils down to stanky on the old hang low. So yeah, Im having fun hamming it up with these bozos, so maybe Im becoming one of them (apparently it still hasnt happened yet at my luck with the ladys aint exactly stellar as of late). The other night Jeff convinced me to do a Kamikaze, which is where they (the DJs) pick a song at random and if you sing it all the way through, you get a free Kamikaze shot from the bar. Jeff picked out My Way by Frank Stallone, but I think it was the Gary Oldman version. Anyway, I rocked it out and have the rug burns on my knees to prove it. But whats more, much more than that, I did it Ebay.
would have liked to witness that.