First off, SG can suck it for timing out on me so I have to retype this.
Bills sucks. So does Tinnitus and at least I can make the bills go away eventually.
I don't really sleep anymore.
I still can't bring myself to vote for Kerry, but after seeing him on Meet The Press this past Sunday, I dislike him less.
We hit the...
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Bills sucks. So does Tinnitus and at least I can make the bills go away eventually.
I don't really sleep anymore.
I still can't bring myself to vote for Kerry, but after seeing him on Meet The Press this past Sunday, I dislike him less.
We hit the...
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First off, SG can suck it for timing out on me so I have to retype this.
Bills sucks. So does Tinnitus and at least I can make the bills go away eventually.
I don't really sleep anymore.
I still can't bring myself to vote for Kerry, but after seeing him on Meet The Press this past Sunday, I dislike him less.
We hit the...
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Bills sucks. So does Tinnitus and at least I can make the bills go away eventually.
I don't really sleep anymore.
I still can't bring myself to vote for Kerry, but after seeing him on Meet The Press this past Sunday, I dislike him less.
We hit the...
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I don't sleep anymore.
Bills suck.
Kerry was on Meet The Press this past Sunday and actually came across better than I expected. I still don't want the guy to be President, but given the "realistic" alternative I'm hoping the Senator wins in November. I'll be voting for the Libertarian or for Nader, it's hard to say at this point.
In four weeks, my bandmates...
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Bills suck.
Kerry was on Meet The Press this past Sunday and actually came across better than I expected. I still don't want the guy to be President, but given the "realistic" alternative I'm hoping the Senator wins in November. I'll be voting for the Libertarian or for Nader, it's hard to say at this point.
In four weeks, my bandmates...
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OK, well Matt might not dig the Karaoke at Fraziers on Tuesday nights, but I'm all into that flaming bag of poo like you would not believe. Well, maybe Im not that into it, but I dig it more than mildly. Lots of good, wholesome, drunkoffyourass fun. A few weeks back I did that Ugly Kid Joe number, I Hate Everything About You, but directed...
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would have liked to witness that.

Fuck that earlier depressing entry, here's one the whole family can enjoy...
Since a bunch of you asked..
Dateline: July 3, 2000
The evening started off with me headed to the Sidebar to see Millions of Dead Cops, followed very shortly by copious amounts of alcohol. The first band finished up there set and I started doing shots with what I remember being a girl,...
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Since a bunch of you asked..
Dateline: July 3, 2000
The evening started off with me headed to the Sidebar to see Millions of Dead Cops, followed very shortly by copious amounts of alcohol. The first band finished up there set and I started doing shots with what I remember being a girl,...
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You are so fucking punk rock. I love it! And I miss you!
Everytime I have feelings for someone it blows up in my face. Everytime someone has feelings for me, I end up disappointing them or worse. I'm tired of hating myself.
I know what thats like... to hate yourself. It fucking sucks, its like theres no where to run to sometimes.
Tinnitus sucks, but not as much as your favorite band.
It's probably hungry.
maybe cos it was in san francisco...
Last week was certainly an interesting one, lets see
I broke up with my girlfriend, got drunk the next night and had a rebound fuck (while I broke up with Kathleen, I wasnt happy about it), found out our phone was disconnected because my roommate didnt pay the bill, practiced w/my friends band to fill in vocals which is going to be totally kick ass...
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I broke up with my girlfriend, got drunk the next night and had a rebound fuck (while I broke up with Kathleen, I wasnt happy about it), found out our phone was disconnected because my roommate didnt pay the bill, practiced w/my friends band to fill in vocals which is going to be totally kick ass...
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Hey Mike, it's Tim from The Give-Ups . I didn't know you were on SG. I saw you on Marni's friend list.
Yeah I felt really bad about the other night, even though it made my toes curl. I left my Morrissey underwear at your house. They should be tucked in between the headboard and the wall.
Edited just to say "Oh sweet jesus"
[Edited on Mar 06, 2004 7:40AM]
Edited just to say "Oh sweet jesus"
[Edited on Mar 06, 2004 7:40AM]
I broke up with Kathleen on Friday night. I can't say I handled it as best as I could, and to be honest I don't know if I'm comfortable with the decision I made. In many ways I feel like she could have been "the one" but the fact she was comfortable showing affection for me was too much. Perhaps I place too much importance...
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I think that your frustration is reasonable. Your relationship was friendship with pecks and snuggling. What time does the show start? I am off Thursday and Friday before I go to Seattle. Got plans?
Hope things went well at the show. I had to work late as usual and I accept my lameness for not arriving. Maybe you can come over and have some food with us sometime. I have learned a lot of new cool things to make and it is mighty delicious. Talk to ya when I get back from Seattle.
Pro tip #621 from Sarcastro:
When preparing for day of walking around a city putting up flyers for a show, try to put off shaving your pubs until after said day. Pass the lotion.
When preparing for day of walking around a city putting up flyers for a show, try to put off shaving your pubs until after said day. Pass the lotion.
Now that is classy.
As for Kerry,I don't care for him much, as you probobly know. Just remember, it's politics. Everryone is looking for knives to use on the other guy. Failing that, any jagged piece of metal will make a decent shiv.
Don't let it upset you too much.
[Edited on Apr 30, 2004 7:33PM]