This is my brother. We fought all the while we were growing up until we realized how pointless it was. Now we're best buds. He may look a little gruff, but he's got a heart of gold, and if I was ever in trouble, he'd come in with his arms swinging ready to beat some ass.
Happy 30th, bro. It'll only get better from here.
Woo, I just got my first AIM-block from an SG member. I guess some people get offended by greetings. *shrug*

Speaking of which, I'm afraid of talking to people when they're on mobile devices. What kind of phobia would that be considered?
And since it's the current trend 'round these parts, I present my own set of questions to pose to you folken:
1) Name ONE (1) band you listen to on a regular basis. I mean a band you cannot go a single day without hearing at least once.
Mine: Isn't it obvious?
2) In high school, were you a geek, jock, nerd, prep, stoner, punk, or drifter?
Me, I was a drifter, weaving in and out of the school hierarchy like a snake.
3) What is the best movie you've seen so far this year?
For me, It has to be The Passion Of The Christ. Regardless of my religious beliefs, I thought it was very well done, and one of the only movies where I felt incredibly humbled after watching it. Dogville was also amazing, even though it officially has not been released in America, yet.
4) Complete the phrase: "I would only sacrifice my integrity for ________."
My answer: Nothing. My integrity is what defines me. Giving that up would destroy who am I and everything I believe in.
I think that's enough for today. Enjoy.
Nope. Call if you're going to be late.
Brrrrrr indeed. That set was probably one of the most painful things I've ever done in my entire life. Needless to say, the new set I'm preparing to send to Missy was shot INSIDE...