So why does it seem that every Indian neighbor I've ever had likes to listen to shitty dance music, and listen to it LOUDLY? And when I kindly ask them to turn it down, they get arrogant and pretty much tell me to fuck off? 
Seriously, I'm all set to sit back and watch some TV on a lazy Sunday afternoon, and all of a sudden I hear this mind-numbing thumping coming from across the hall. I peek my head out the door and see my neighbor's door wide open with a bunch of shit sitting in the hallway and a bass beat that shakes my walls and nearly pushes me back inside my own apartment. Come on, man. Must we give you a lesson in neighborly relations?
1) You should not be listening to anything that loud, especially in a building with 20 other units.
2) If you're going to listen to loud shitty music, at least CLOSE YOUR GODDAMN DOOR.
3) If you're going to listen to something that loud, at least play something good, and not this mindless club techno drivel.
i'm usually pretty laid back when it comes to my neighbors, but this shit is just inconsiderate and rude. Not to mention leaving a bunch of shit in the hallway that I might (and surely will) trip over.
I know I come off as some xenophobic redneck with this post, and for that I apologize. No offense meant to anyone of Indian nationality, but seriously, this happens every goddamn time I move. I must be unlucky in that I always encounter the asshole types.
I will NOT, however, apologize for hating on shitty dance music.

Seriously, I'm all set to sit back and watch some TV on a lazy Sunday afternoon, and all of a sudden I hear this mind-numbing thumping coming from across the hall. I peek my head out the door and see my neighbor's door wide open with a bunch of shit sitting in the hallway and a bass beat that shakes my walls and nearly pushes me back inside my own apartment. Come on, man. Must we give you a lesson in neighborly relations?
1) You should not be listening to anything that loud, especially in a building with 20 other units.
2) If you're going to listen to loud shitty music, at least CLOSE YOUR GODDAMN DOOR.
3) If you're going to listen to something that loud, at least play something good, and not this mindless club techno drivel.

i'm usually pretty laid back when it comes to my neighbors, but this shit is just inconsiderate and rude. Not to mention leaving a bunch of shit in the hallway that I might (and surely will) trip over.

I know I come off as some xenophobic redneck with this post, and for that I apologize. No offense meant to anyone of Indian nationality, but seriously, this happens every goddamn time I move. I must be unlucky in that I always encounter the asshole types.

I will NOT, however, apologize for hating on shitty dance music.

I live in a suburban/rural neighborhood and even here I will every so often be assaulted by some nitwit with a 1,000,000 watt car audio system blaring electro-mariachi crap, or death metal, or country. I mean really, Conway Twitty on 11? WTF?
By the way, I'm a music lover, but I don't inflict my stuff on THE ENTIRE COUNTY. Jeez.
Good luck with that.