I was up to 30 comments, so I decided it was time to start a new entry. Besides it gives me something to do while I wait for Alias to come on. I know the show is cheesy as hell, but I can't stop watching it. Maybe it's seeing Jennifer Garner in slinky outfits that makes me want to keep watching.
I'm still reeling from the awesomeness of last week's party at Stirfry's house. I really wanted to go to the Detroit barbecue this weekend, but I made a few major purchases in the past week, bailed a friend out of a jam, and paid rent for the upcoming month, so I'm pretty much broke right now. I will definitely make the Halloween party in Pittsburgh, though. I spent some time today putting together my costume. You can see a rough photo of what it might look like in my pics section (It's #58 for all you time-savers.) Once I get all the accessories, I think it will look great. I just need a kind soul to help me put on the makeup before we head off to the club.
Woo, Scarface Collector's Edition comes out on Tuesday. Mark you calendars.
Oh, and if you haven't gotten KMFDM's new cd yet, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I'm still reeling from the awesomeness of last week's party at Stirfry's house. I really wanted to go to the Detroit barbecue this weekend, but I made a few major purchases in the past week, bailed a friend out of a jam, and paid rent for the upcoming month, so I'm pretty much broke right now. I will definitely make the Halloween party in Pittsburgh, though. I spent some time today putting together my costume. You can see a rough photo of what it might look like in my pics section (It's #58 for all you time-savers.) Once I get all the accessories, I think it will look great. I just need a kind soul to help me put on the makeup before we head off to the club.

Woo, Scarface Collector's Edition comes out on Tuesday. Mark you calendars.

Oh, and if you haven't gotten KMFDM's new cd yet, what the fuck is wrong with you?
*ahem* yeah... caps lock is fun....
but seriously, I hope you can pull that together, because it really would be awesome.