It was a very trying day at work...
Apparently our IT department was doing a cleanup of our network, and they happened to delete a directory on one of our common drives that contained incredibly important irreplaceable files I needed to maintain my job duties. I nearly hit the ceiling when I discovered the directory no longer existed. At first my boss told me I would have to recreate the files from scratch. I don't think howling for his blood was the most efficient way to deal with the problem, but at least it made me feel better.
When this suggestion didn't go over well, I tracked down our resident IT tech and pleaded with him to find some way to restore the files. He said he might be able to do it if not for two reasons:
1) The drive the files were on may not have been backed up the previous night.
2) He'd have to send a ticket to the IT dept at headquarters, where it would wait in queue until they took their time getting around to it. In the meantime, my work would back up, and I would have no means to get it done. Whatever happened to just picking up a phone and calling someone?
Needless to say I was stressed beyond belief because 3 years of work were gone like that, and there was no way of replacing the data. All because some bored IT tech decided to "clean up" what he deemed unimportant data.
After an extremely stressful morning fending off the boss, our office IT person told me he put a rush on retriving the files, and they were restored by that afternoon. As soon as they were restored, I moved them to a different location and backed them up on removable media so this will never happen again. And then boss man came around and demanded that I password protect the files so no one could delete them again. I didn't have the heart or the patience to tell him how useless his suggestion was.
After backing up the files, I declared to the boss that I was taking tomorrow off because I damn well earned it. He made no objections.
By the way, on a totally unrelated topic, I hate when people argue both sides of an issue, then take the side that seems to be winning. Quit being wishy-washy and grow a fucking spine.
Apparently our IT department was doing a cleanup of our network, and they happened to delete a directory on one of our common drives that contained incredibly important irreplaceable files I needed to maintain my job duties. I nearly hit the ceiling when I discovered the directory no longer existed. At first my boss told me I would have to recreate the files from scratch. I don't think howling for his blood was the most efficient way to deal with the problem, but at least it made me feel better.

When this suggestion didn't go over well, I tracked down our resident IT tech and pleaded with him to find some way to restore the files. He said he might be able to do it if not for two reasons:
1) The drive the files were on may not have been backed up the previous night.
2) He'd have to send a ticket to the IT dept at headquarters, where it would wait in queue until they took their time getting around to it. In the meantime, my work would back up, and I would have no means to get it done. Whatever happened to just picking up a phone and calling someone?
Needless to say I was stressed beyond belief because 3 years of work were gone like that, and there was no way of replacing the data. All because some bored IT tech decided to "clean up" what he deemed unimportant data.
After an extremely stressful morning fending off the boss, our office IT person told me he put a rush on retriving the files, and they were restored by that afternoon. As soon as they were restored, I moved them to a different location and backed them up on removable media so this will never happen again. And then boss man came around and demanded that I password protect the files so no one could delete them again. I didn't have the heart or the patience to tell him how useless his suggestion was.
After backing up the files, I declared to the boss that I was taking tomorrow off because I damn well earned it. He made no objections.

By the way, on a totally unrelated topic, I hate when people argue both sides of an issue, then take the side that seems to be winning. Quit being wishy-washy and grow a fucking spine.

I had someone call me up and yell at me that I sucked and he'd fucked up his printer since our instructions weren't clear enough.
I went to the instructions, read them off to him, pointed out that the particular thing he fucked up was written in bold not to do, to which he said, "instructions? I didn't get any instructions!"
Well, sir... If you didn't get any instructions why did you just say our instructions aren't clear enough, except that you're a dumbass customer who shouldn't be allowed to leave your house much less own a computer?
Except I didn't say that. I told him to come in tomorrow so that I could fix it for free.