Summer photos and blog update! I know I know, it's about time.
Tho this will be a mini one because a lot of my pictures are saved elsewhere.
So hello everyone! How has everyones summer been treating them. I have been busy like crazy, a lot of school, a lot of time with midget, and photos! I take a lot for school and not enough for personal collection. I wish I knew more girls in my area, but that's also me being super social anxious, so I need to work on that.
Though recently I took a class where every week I was asked to shoot in my style, so after asking if Nudity was okay, I did a set of a beautiful girl, who hasn't chosen her name yet. The set is most likely going to go for Zivity, since it's too close to a set Rigel did here on SG.

She's such a babe!
Also for school, the beautiful Sarita.

Also, exciting news, I might have a new set coming. I need your opinions on this btw because I have a feeling it will do better on Zivity, but you never know, so I would like to know what you think.
Sorry it's only the shots of behind the camera, but you get a mild idea. Taken by the lovely Cupkate btw.

The photos are taken with natural light, in a huge abandoned, barn like, building.
So opinions please.
On to other things.
The beginning of summer was a lot of fun. I went down to Lake Whitney here in Texas to stay at my family's cabin, and we had a huge lake party weekend. My godfather and his "kids" all went went swimming, tubing, mild drinking on my part, and cliff jumping. Sigh..cliff jumping.
See what happened was, the lake is low right now anyway, so cliff jumping is extra dangerous because every cliff is now 12 to 15 feet higher. Anyway, we pull up to a cliff, people keep looking at, scan the bottom to make sure it's deep enough and no rocks to hit on the way down. Doyle (my godfather) asks whose going to jump. No body says anything so I step up and say I will, then one other girl says she will, then two guys get all macho b/c the girls are gonna show them up and decided they will too.
I wish I had the photos of the cliff, I mean I do, but they're part of the photo's saved elsewhere. Just keep in mind that this thing is damn near 45 ft. high. We hike up the cliff to make it around to where we are going to jump. We all look down, "shit." We all back up, all thinking we're going to back out. I close my eyes, not even thinking, and jump. "Fuck."

Not the most attractive picture of my ass, but you get the idea.
No I didn't hit a rock, but I did hit the water in a sitting position rather than a jack-knife in. I had bruises on the insides of my thighs, my ass cheeks, and as you can see, everywhere really. I was paralyzed for like 5 minutes, couldn't swim to the boat, couldn't breath bc of the way I hit the water, so I just stayed floating until someone could grab me. When I finally got in the boat, breathing again, and comforted Midget who was freaking out, I looked up and yelled, "I jumped first bitches!"
In all realness, I am really lucky not to have been hurt worse by the way I landed. The other 3 went down perfectly, minus one of the guys got the back of his arms slapped by the water, no bruising, but he did loose all hair there. Good times.
My ass has since healed, no worries. Here it is being presented during my splits stretches.

I made two shirts using a DIY silk screen method. One kind of turned out..

Inspired by Amina Munster's No Beard No Chance shirt that I can't afford but want so badly.
The other.. well, I think everyone here will like this one..

Oh yes!
More art I've done. This one was a gift for my now married friends. I also photographed their wedding and should get back upstairs to work on that.

Sad to leave you with so little.
So to make up for it

Have a wonderful day my lovely friends out there.
Don't be afraid to talk to me, tho I can't update often, I am on to monitor all the lovely ladies out there.
How wrong would it be to do a set as Merida from Brave? Or inspired by here..bc lets face it..she is me.
Tho this will be a mini one because a lot of my pictures are saved elsewhere.
So hello everyone! How has everyones summer been treating them. I have been busy like crazy, a lot of school, a lot of time with midget, and photos! I take a lot for school and not enough for personal collection. I wish I knew more girls in my area, but that's also me being super social anxious, so I need to work on that.
Though recently I took a class where every week I was asked to shoot in my style, so after asking if Nudity was okay, I did a set of a beautiful girl, who hasn't chosen her name yet. The set is most likely going to go for Zivity, since it's too close to a set Rigel did here on SG.

She's such a babe!
Also for school, the beautiful Sarita.

Also, exciting news, I might have a new set coming. I need your opinions on this btw because I have a feeling it will do better on Zivity, but you never know, so I would like to know what you think.
Sorry it's only the shots of behind the camera, but you get a mild idea. Taken by the lovely Cupkate btw.

The photos are taken with natural light, in a huge abandoned, barn like, building.
So opinions please.
On to other things.
The beginning of summer was a lot of fun. I went down to Lake Whitney here in Texas to stay at my family's cabin, and we had a huge lake party weekend. My godfather and his "kids" all went went swimming, tubing, mild drinking on my part, and cliff jumping. Sigh..cliff jumping.
See what happened was, the lake is low right now anyway, so cliff jumping is extra dangerous because every cliff is now 12 to 15 feet higher. Anyway, we pull up to a cliff, people keep looking at, scan the bottom to make sure it's deep enough and no rocks to hit on the way down. Doyle (my godfather) asks whose going to jump. No body says anything so I step up and say I will, then one other girl says she will, then two guys get all macho b/c the girls are gonna show them up and decided they will too.
I wish I had the photos of the cliff, I mean I do, but they're part of the photo's saved elsewhere. Just keep in mind that this thing is damn near 45 ft. high. We hike up the cliff to make it around to where we are going to jump. We all look down, "shit." We all back up, all thinking we're going to back out. I close my eyes, not even thinking, and jump. "Fuck."

Not the most attractive picture of my ass, but you get the idea.
No I didn't hit a rock, but I did hit the water in a sitting position rather than a jack-knife in. I had bruises on the insides of my thighs, my ass cheeks, and as you can see, everywhere really. I was paralyzed for like 5 minutes, couldn't swim to the boat, couldn't breath bc of the way I hit the water, so I just stayed floating until someone could grab me. When I finally got in the boat, breathing again, and comforted Midget who was freaking out, I looked up and yelled, "I jumped first bitches!"
In all realness, I am really lucky not to have been hurt worse by the way I landed. The other 3 went down perfectly, minus one of the guys got the back of his arms slapped by the water, no bruising, but he did loose all hair there. Good times.
My ass has since healed, no worries. Here it is being presented during my splits stretches.

I made two shirts using a DIY silk screen method. One kind of turned out..

Inspired by Amina Munster's No Beard No Chance shirt that I can't afford but want so badly.
The other.. well, I think everyone here will like this one..

Oh yes!
More art I've done. This one was a gift for my now married friends. I also photographed their wedding and should get back upstairs to work on that.

Sad to leave you with so little.
So to make up for it

Have a wonderful day my lovely friends out there.

Don't be afraid to talk to me, tho I can't update often, I am on to monitor all the lovely ladies out there.
How wrong would it be to do a set as Merida from Brave? Or inspired by here..bc lets face it..she is me.
Your ass seems to have recovered nicely, though! ;0)
That is one fine ass recovery, I might have to check it a little further just to be sure