Massive picture update!
So where do I begin?

I like to go on walks around my neighborhood because it's the only time that I get quiet time. I have been so stressed lately, mainly money stressors. Like, what am I supposed to do when I owe so much to everyone? How did this even happen?! And job hunting is seriously go down the drain, nothing is looking up. So in times of hurt, and being lost like I am, I go for a walk.

Sometimes I see beautiful scenes like this, but it still makes me sad. I wish things would start looking up.

This little face, is my favorite midget in the whole wide world. She makes me smile when I am down.
So to start looking up.
I take care of girl things..because that's what we girls do.
I like stickers, and making things out of stickers, then googley eyes, bc they're awesome, and putting them all together like so..

And then focus on school. Though I am in a class I really don't like, I made the best of it by taking off my shirt! WOOT! boob's = A's right?! I hope so.

oh and boobs! So I had a depressing moment. My favorite bra that I wore in my most recent set, Caught in the Rain got ruined through the washer..dryer..I dont know..but it made me so sad.
Poor female jock-strap..I don't remember where I heard that but I thought it was funny.
Oh, and more about boobies, and me..and oh, incase you didn't notice, my hair has grown crazy long. And did you guys know I'm a red head.. I know.. I know.. you should all faint before me. KIDDING! Anyway, I recently cut like 5 inches off my hair, (you can see the results in the Ink Not Mink Ad) BUT before I did that you can enjoy a little set, of my long hair.. boobies.. hair and boobies..
Enjoy my lovelies.
So where do I begin?

I like to go on walks around my neighborhood because it's the only time that I get quiet time. I have been so stressed lately, mainly money stressors. Like, what am I supposed to do when I owe so much to everyone? How did this even happen?! And job hunting is seriously go down the drain, nothing is looking up. So in times of hurt, and being lost like I am, I go for a walk.

Sometimes I see beautiful scenes like this, but it still makes me sad. I wish things would start looking up.

This little face, is my favorite midget in the whole wide world. She makes me smile when I am down.
So to start looking up.
I take care of girl things..because that's what we girls do.

I like stickers, and making things out of stickers, then googley eyes, bc they're awesome, and putting them all together like so..

And then focus on school. Though I am in a class I really don't like, I made the best of it by taking off my shirt! WOOT! boob's = A's right?! I hope so.

oh and boobs! So I had a depressing moment. My favorite bra that I wore in my most recent set, Caught in the Rain got ruined through the washer..dryer..I dont know..but it made me so sad.

Poor female jock-strap..I don't remember where I heard that but I thought it was funny.
Oh, and more about boobies, and me..and oh, incase you didn't notice, my hair has grown crazy long. And did you guys know I'm a red head.. I know.. I know.. you should all faint before me. KIDDING! Anyway, I recently cut like 5 inches off my hair, (you can see the results in the Ink Not Mink Ad) BUT before I did that you can enjoy a little set, of my long hair.. boobies.. hair and boobies..
Enjoy my lovelies.
And yeah, you get it!!!