Wow- Lots of awesome changes happening for me right now.. had to tell you a little about it because well, its to early in the morning to call and brag to my sister. I quit my office job of two years and am now working at a BIKINI COFFEE SHOP in Portland Oregon. LOVE IT!!!! I just love that I can do something FUN instead of bowing to the man and typing fucking policies all day long. Now I can work PART TIME and make just as much money. Have an excuse to buy new langerie and bikinis. Can continue the surface piercing idea down my back. Die my hair back to fire engine red. Just BE MY FUCKING SELF AGAIN!!! I can continue my sleeve down past my elbows.. well you get the drift. AND now I have 'my time' in the mornings to drink coffee and smoke bowls while blogging about how happy I am to not be sitting at a fucking office.... REally excited to have the time to get some more set completed too. See how you all like um
I dont know if you've checked out the last set I did called "The Purple Room" but I got a narely scar on my hand from that god damn puppy.. so I hope you like the pics, check um out if you haven't done so! He's so so cute though. all worth it. Plus scars give charector right?? Well the sun is shinning so its time to get outside and darker my freckles. I love summer!
xoxoxoxo saramaxsuicide

xoxoxoxo saramaxsuicide

Don't know if you watch, but Big Brother is my fave show ever and one of the contestants, Natalie, does the same thing. She even works in Portland too. Looks like a fun job.