I found out that the insurance I have isn't going to pay anything for my crown because I got a crown on the same tooth less than 5 years ago. I guess it's my fault they fucked it up and didn't seal it the whole way and it got infected
And I went to Joann fabrics to get a rotary cutting mat cause I had a coupon for 60% off (excluding sale items) and of course don't ya know it was on sale.
What next?! Gonna total my car? Guy I went on a date with last night gonna dump me already?
I'm so stressed out and anxious cause of everything and I really like this guy and I'm afraid cause I'm kinda busy and he lives an hour away he's gonna dump me and I don't wanna be sad.
Ugh I'm sure I'm just over analyzing cause I do that but this day just bites big bull testicles.