I've been having some health issues lately and that's got me stressing and my boyfriend is having trouble with his mother. More stress. Work has been exceptionally "fun" lately. We are understaffed underpaid and more people are quitting every day. Tonight my coworkers and I were chatting nothing was going on so we were being a little silly and my boss came out and yelled at us. She's such a big bitch. I cannot handle all this anxiety filling my life at the moment. When I'm anxious or stressed I pick my hair and nails. My nails are gonzo at the moment, just little tiny stubs.
It'll get better though just gotta take it slowly and try to think positively.
SO POSITIVE side of things I applied to SRU today and am gonna mail out the application to get my official transcripts sent over in the morning.
Goodnight loves take care of yourselves okay