please don't be swine flu. please don't be swine flu.
ugh.... the sick people in my classes are getting to me! i try to avoid them, but i can feel myself getting sick.
went out to eat today and couldn't taste the food really, there is a slight tickle in my throat, i noticed a few little coughs starting to come up, and i'm just HOPING IT IS NOT SWINE FLU.
actually, i'd be completely happy if i just didn't get sick at all!
cough and cold meds, here i come!!!!
ugh.... the sick people in my classes are getting to me! i try to avoid them, but i can feel myself getting sick.
went out to eat today and couldn't taste the food really, there is a slight tickle in my throat, i noticed a few little coughs starting to come up, and i'm just HOPING IT IS NOT SWINE FLU.
actually, i'd be completely happy if i just didn't get sick at all!
cough and cold meds, here i come!!!!

I got tested for H1N1 because I was in Mexico the week it broke out. It sucked, and hurt a lot!