My hair... it is deep purple. As are the streaks and spots on my shower, face, back, neck, and breasts. yum.

We had Ethiopian food last night. mmmm good. I like eating with my hands. Today, we're using our comp tickets for the LA county fair. I love carnival rides. The knowledge that they were put together by some pot-smoking teenager or drunk carny gives...
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Did you go to the Ethiopian district on fairfax? I've NEVER BEEN THERE, but whenever i pass by I always just die to go check it out.

What I've noticed about Cailfornia vs Oregon is that at fairs here, they don't have churros, they have 'elephant ears' (cinnamon fried dough in pancakey form). It's kind of odd to see that kind of subtle regional variation...

Suddenly I really wish I were a sociology major so I could write my senior thesis on my experiences here... well, I'm an art history one. "Suicidegirls.com and the Male Gaze," anyone?

*avoids reading lame critical theory and keeps posting on sg*
Hmm, veggie pad thai...okay, dinner at your house!
Los Angeles, you are so lame.

I've been brooding over how much I dislike LA lately. It has a few finer points- the sunny skies, the ocean, the good flea markets. But all in all, I think it combines all the worst elements of urban living with none of the benefits. There's plenty of smog, traffic, noise, congestion, billboards, huge chain stores, and all around...
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Do you realize that your last four journal entries have been on Saturdays?
I desperately want to change my hair. I'm really sick of the red. I am thinking dark purple, maybe with some violet streaks? I definitely am beginning to miss the platinum debbie harry blonde. But I was sick of having fried hair. So maybe I could cut it short again. This
is what I looked like with short hair. Note Buddy Crist in the background....
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Yummmm .... Fried hair .... Short hair rules though. As a kid I thought it was something old ladies did. Then, somewhere around the age of 15 it became unbearable sexy, and an actual preference ever since.
You think you like the scroll, until you do the little circular motion with your thumb. Alas, I too will stick with my now outdated Ipod, by the time it dies, there will probably be a 150 gb with a camera and color display and and and ....
I cant believe you have the Buddy Christ. A friend of mine picked that out for a co-worker xmas party. It has the gliding action. That just cracks me up.

good luck on the GRE's. I they are a bitch. Quick lets hear the square root of 144 multiplied by the distance away from car B when car A was traveling 30 mph and Car B has one flat tire.


Oatmeal is delicious. I like it with vanilla soy milk, brown sugar or honey, cinnamon, dried fruit, and pecans or walnuts.
Best of luck. Wow, I remember math. Uh, sort of. Been awhile.
Hey! I'm studying East Asian Archaeology, with a focus in gender and hierarchies. Talk about esoteric, I guess. We'll see how it goes.

Have you ever tried the irish oatmeal in a tin? It takes a lot longer to cook, but has an awesome nutty texture. Very good with soy milk and brown sugar. smile
"When I was a boy, my daddy sat me on his knee and he told me, he told me many things. He said, 'Son, there's a lot of things in this world that you're gonna have no use for. And when the going gets tough, and you've lost all your dreams, there's nothing like a campfire and a can of beans!'"

I think that at...
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when walking into a grand venue that he would later be playing at, with the set going up and the lines of fans stretching all this way and that way...our boy tom said, "i feel like a farmer at the opera."

that always makes me crack a smile.
I really liked the haltertop//I have been meaning to work on my kilt, but too many other things going on//you are very gorgeous by the way
I got a hand-me-down bike. It has a lot of rust on the frame and needs some maintenance work, but I love it anyway. It's this metallic red that I think is faded from the sun, so it fades to orange in places like a flame. I need to put a basket on it or something, so that I can take it grocery shopping.

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Anyone have any great ideas for things to do with lemons? We went to a friend's house last night, and she gave me a bag full of these giganormous lemons. Plus we already had a lot of lemons at home. I made fluffy lemon-poppyseed muffins this morning and we ate them with strawberries marinated in lemon juice, but that only used a teeny fraction of...
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Yesterday, I did my usual saturday lounging-walking-cooking routine. This involves spending a large part of the morning in the tub, then taking a walk to buy groceries, then cooking all afternoon. I made (1) sun-dried tomato and onion bread, (2) fresh corn chowder with roasted jalapenos (3) fresh peach ice cream. All of it was vegan, all of it delicious. I'm not sure if I...
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sounds like you have what it takes to be a vegan chef...maybe we can cook for one another the next time i am in SoCal....
ps,, whats it take to be one of your sg friends,, geesh,...
Is there anything more vulgar, more irritating, more vacuuous than management-speak? I think I have reached my saturation point. I'm existing in a world of self-improvement books, of highly effective people and their seven fucking habits. If one more person tries to "touch base" with me... maybe I'll just play dumb: "You want to touch my WHAT??"

I was really sick on monday. So sick...
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(hey sarai, i'm on your friends list on lj, probably the one that talks about sg a lot...)

Which angela carter book are you reading? the Bloody Chamber (her reinterpretations of various fairy tales... a great book)?

I recently read Hard Boiled Wonderland, which is a great book... the thing is, it was hard for me to process in some ways before I instantly identified certain things as cliches simply because I'm reading an influential work at face value without evaluating its effects (if that makes sense? kind of like how, often, people who watch Pulp Fiction for the first time might dismiss it as something they've seen before). But I can see the innovation and it has some wonderful imagery.

I'm currently plowing through Cryptonomicon, which is damn fun.

Your food posts always make me happy... people who talk extensively about food make me happy (I actually read people's ljs if they discuss food pretty frequently). I think it's because a lot of people take meals for granted, so someone who actually breaks down & appreciates the composites is neat.
hey there, I never know how to respond to comments here. I wish these were threaded somehow.

Anyway, if you see this, hi! The Carter book I'm reading is the collect short works, it's called Burning Your Boats. It includes The Bloody Chamber, which I quite liked. I've really liked all the fairy tales, though I find some stories overdone. A story about a beautiful vampire that compares sex and death? How original.

Murakami is, for me, the flip side of that coin. I love the way he twists cliches into something new and invigorating. But I am also a big fan of concise, straight-forward, economical writing (so you can see why Carter doesn't always thrill me).
Well. We kinda missed the SG show last night. We went after class, but didn't get there until about five minutes before the performance ended. Oh well. If I hadn't taken the time to run home and fix a drink and tart myself up, maybe we would have made it. But I would've felt like shit without a little booze and a little pink dress....
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Hi... my GF sugest jsut throwing a big party insted of geting marred....
eek, I have been so busy, I have not even had time to catch up with the naked ladies. work is kicking my ass, but I can't really complain. It's still a hundred times better than being in sales. And I've been getting lots of assistance, including from a nice boy who loves le tigre and tells me I should go to europe by myself....
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I have a new tattoo! I posted a picture of it. That picture was taken right after it was completed, my arm is not normally that red. Nevertheless, it looks a lot better there than it does right now, since it's in that dull-color-onion-skin-peeling stage. Kenn just told me it looks like lizard skin. The matching piece (a blackwork key, positioned on my other arm,...
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I have an appointment on tuesday to get a tattoo in the same spot (but on both arms.) Too cute!

I love your hair by the by. I'm blonde now, but I'm always thinking about going dark. I've had black and brown and such. I just look better blonde. But if I could pull off the dark or red I would, it's so striking.