Dear Well-Educated Friends,
I need help. I have to come up with a valid theme for my history minor. Most of my classes can just pop right in, but there's one black sheep. I can conceptualize how it fits in, but I can't articulate it and I need to do so in order to apply for my minor. Help, please?
My classes are as follows:
Themes in 19th Century American History
The American Revolution
Civil War and Reconstruction
American History from 1917-1949
European Intellectual History from 1920 - 2000
See the problem? I know it can fit somehow. It definitely dealt with the effects of the Great War on modern philosophy and also things like gender equality (Virginia Woolfe), racial equality ( in France) and Freud.
I really appreciate any ideas that you might toss my way. Thanks a lot.

I need help. I have to come up with a valid theme for my history minor. Most of my classes can just pop right in, but there's one black sheep. I can conceptualize how it fits in, but I can't articulate it and I need to do so in order to apply for my minor. Help, please?
My classes are as follows:
Themes in 19th Century American History
The American Revolution
Civil War and Reconstruction
American History from 1917-1949
European Intellectual History from 1920 - 2000
See the problem? I know it can fit somehow. It definitely dealt with the effects of the Great War on modern philosophy and also things like gender equality (Virginia Woolfe), racial equality ( in France) and Freud.
I really appreciate any ideas that you might toss my way. Thanks a lot.

The only problem I see is that is all greek to me! At my JC my first history class my cat was put to sleep the day of the final and the next one I think my boyfriend broke up with me, I just remember crying during both terms with the same teacher! And that is all I remember about history period! I am no help!