I've been stressing a bit, lately, about which direction I want to take my future.
I've been given an opportunity to go to UC Davis, which is an excellent school and boasts some of the best political science professors in the country. However, I am one of those who needs to be able to pay for college and support herself while doing so. Additionally, I need to get out of the area in which I've spent the majority of my life and Davis isn't exactly "going away to college." Not that SF would be, but it's quite a change.
Yesterday, after a championship round of procrastination, I fulfilled my end of an obligation which guarantees my spot at UCD. I've been worried about this for some time, as it seems foolish to pass up an excellent education. Still, I'm too old to allow my life to come second to my education and I'd like to avoid a black hole of debt. SFSU is much more affordable. But will I be happy? Clearly, I'm a bit confused.
I went to lunch with a friend, today. There were fortune cookies.

I can read the signs. Maybe. I'll learn.
I'm still confused, but I've decided that this weekend shall be dedicated to the most important decision I've ever been faced with: duckets vs. quality.

I've been given an opportunity to go to UC Davis, which is an excellent school and boasts some of the best political science professors in the country. However, I am one of those who needs to be able to pay for college and support herself while doing so. Additionally, I need to get out of the area in which I've spent the majority of my life and Davis isn't exactly "going away to college." Not that SF would be, but it's quite a change.
Yesterday, after a championship round of procrastination, I fulfilled my end of an obligation which guarantees my spot at UCD. I've been worried about this for some time, as it seems foolish to pass up an excellent education. Still, I'm too old to allow my life to come second to my education and I'd like to avoid a black hole of debt. SFSU is much more affordable. But will I be happy? Clearly, I'm a bit confused.
I went to lunch with a friend, today. There were fortune cookies.

I can read the signs. Maybe. I'll learn.
I'm still confused, but I've decided that this weekend shall be dedicated to the most important decision I've ever been faced with: duckets vs. quality.

thanks for the burn night company. that was a lot of fun.