i am so FUCKING pissed off right now. i had the fucking pleasure to be woken up by the sound of people fucking. at 9 FUCKING A.M.!!! after going to bed at fucking 4!!!! and what i love most about it is i am the reason fucking ADAM can spend the night without my folks going insane. i asked for them to please fuck on the floor so i dont have to hear it. its a simple request. and they have the fuckin odasity to not even honor the simple request PERIOD! out of fuckin COMMON CURTISY you just dont do shit like that! goddamnit! im fucking sick of this. i have to sit throught them gropeing in front of me, listen to them suck face for have an hour, while shes hand fucking him when im trying to watch TV. HEY HERES A FUCKING IDEA! GO TO YOUR GOD DAMN ROOM, 3 MOTHERFUCKING FEET AWAY BITCH! and if they goddamn bed is sqweeky GET ON THE GODDAMN FLOOR LIKE I ASKED TO BEGIN WITH SO I DONT HAVE TO FUCKIN SHARE THE EXPERIENCE!!!!!! im not cool with it and i've fuckin said this before!

either way....i feel your pain. and it makes me laugh.
computer hate all humans. it isn't specific to you and yours. this is why we don't give them intelligence, cause they will certainly kill us. Bastards....
I did however get to destroy my tv the other day with an axe handle. That was fun and liberating. now i just need a new tv.
Everythings is over with the friend. All issues solved and such. I apologised and all, Even though i was right.
I ate some double stuff oreo's today, and thought of you. The oreos made my day.
Nothing else to report really. I've been spending all waking hours writing. maybe i'll be more exciting this weekend.
hope your packing is going well. I hate it. procrastination is key in chores like that.
i send you a high-five.
The fact that i sound like you, just shows your immeasurably good taste....hahaha
Yeah, the sound of people fucking (especially ones you know) doesn't fit into my choice of rise-and-shine music either.
The part that made my forehead crinkle the most, is the whole hands-on activities when you're trying to watch tv. There's the entire place, but they choose to do it right next to you.
I hated when that happened to me.
Completely ruined an entire episode of Family Guy.
I've got about 176 pages of the first draft done. I have no idea how many more to go.
p.s- i don't know where your morning coffee is....i hope it turns up soon...