I decided instead of flat out leaving college after this semester, I'm going to chill out and take 2 classes next semester and 1 or 2 in the summer. I just have this creeping suspicion that by about March I'd regret not being in school. Needless to say, my parents are thrilled.
I went to class today with an "okay, this isn't so bad" attitude and did fine. I caught up with my professors, and they were understanding.
Had a good time with Joe tonight. We were going to see The Brother's Grimm, but after I got there we realized it wasn't playing at the theater near his house. Most exciting of all, I made it to and from his house myself without a hitch (he lives downtown near Ward Parkway, and lord knows I'm helpless driving downtown).
Tomorrow is Joe's 24th birthday and he's having a cookout and going to some bars. I get to hang out with him and some of his roommates' friends, and a friend from work. Fucking excited. I'm staying over there and have a drive to class the next morning to look forward to... well, at least the class doesn't start till 11:30.
Best of all, what made my night... I saw Tyler after I hung out with Joe, and we went to IHOP as usual- and he was in a great mood. He didn't cringe when I mentioned Joe, he didn't speak morbidly or depressingly. We giggled and laughed and made fun of his dad on into the night.
Don't you lOVE it when a shitty day is followed by a great one?
I decided instead of flat out leaving college after this semester, I'm going to chill out and take 2 classes next semester and 1 or 2 in the summer. I just have this creeping suspicion that by about March I'd regret not being in school. Needless to say, my parents are thrilled.
I went to class today with an "okay, this isn't so bad" attitude and did fine. I caught up with my professors, and they were understanding.
Had a good time with Joe tonight. We were going to see The Brother's Grimm, but after I got there we realized it wasn't playing at the theater near his house. Most exciting of all, I made it to and from his house myself without a hitch (he lives downtown near Ward Parkway, and lord knows I'm helpless driving downtown).
Tomorrow is Joe's 24th birthday and he's having a cookout and going to some bars. I get to hang out with him and some of his roommates' friends, and a friend from work. Fucking excited. I'm staying over there and have a drive to class the next morning to look forward to... well, at least the class doesn't start till 11:30.
Best of all, what made my night... I saw Tyler after I hung out with Joe, and we went to IHOP as usual- and he was in a great mood. He didn't cringe when I mentioned Joe, he didn't speak morbidly or depressingly. We giggled and laughed and made fun of his dad on into the night.
Don't you lOVE it when a shitty day is followed by a great one?

Good choice