Well, I had hoped for a little more input, but I didn't expect it. I don't really communicate with people through SuicideGirls.
Well... to add to my stress, in short, I need to leave college. It could be a bad thing to impose these many changes, or it could be for the better. This isn't sudden, either- I nearly left last spring but ended dropping just one class, and holding on to see what my art classes would be like.
Nothing's better.
If you care or just want to read into my turmoil, go here:
(Yeah, I'm always on Xanga. It's my mother of web blogs.)

Well... to add to my stress, in short, I need to leave college. It could be a bad thing to impose these many changes, or it could be for the better. This isn't sudden, either- I nearly left last spring but ended dropping just one class, and holding on to see what my art classes would be like.
Nothing's better.
If you care or just want to read into my turmoil, go here:
(Yeah, I'm always on Xanga. It's my mother of web blogs.)
You may be confused and stressed out about what and where you want to go in life , but try to stick with school for now and just change your major when you decide what you really want from life . You are allready on an emotional roller coaster with the sudden changes in your love life , so just try to unwind from that scene while your thoughts become clearer .