Nope, still working on that shedding.
What started out, at least I thought, as a mutual desicion is becoming one-sided. Tyler is tore up. I still see him once a day. I love hanging out with him and our friends, but it's a mess when we're alone. He still says he loves me, he still kisses me, and he bought me flowers. The problem is...
ack. I'm dating someone else now.
Maybe I'm a whore, maybe I'm just cold-hearted. I suspect I have a talent for moving on. I just don't know.
I met Joe at work 6-7 months ago when I started there. My first thought when I met him was "Damn... that is a HANDSOME man", but went no further. Every so often I'd get the hint of feeling that he liked me, but mostly ignored it. Comments of me looking lovely and so on. One night he invited me out of nowhere to hang out with some friends. I had fun. The next time we hung out, he tried to kiss me. I told him he'd better hold off until I figure out exactally what was going on with Tyler and I. He apologised profusely.
Now we are casually dating, and I told Tyler. Tyler is calm as a hindu cow. He's not angry, just sad. Not that I'm trying to make him angry... it's just been my experience with guys that when we split and I do things they don't understand, shit hits the fan. I'm so used to a fight... you know, I guess I almost want it to happen.
All I want the most right now, for sure, is for Tyler to want to date as well. I told him it'd help him out, I do I believe it would. How could you be sure to marry someone if you've never even had another relationship to base off of?
I'm not sure with this thing with Joe is going. It came out of nowhere. To give you an idea- he's about to turn 24, about 6 feet tall, 200 pounds of mostly muscle (he thinks he's "flabby". Jesus.), drinks a lot, has a degree in Education and an undying love for football. Yeah. I guess you could say we have little in common, but for fucking once, it's interesting. I'm not sure yet if he truly likes me or thinks I'm exotic. Or I think HE'S exotic? We'll see. His killer since of humour and compeltely sincere attitude is what I'm loving right now. During a phone conversation where he was heavily intoxicated, he said I spark his imagination, from what I say to what I wear, and that I'm refreshing. He also warned me that if I make things too easy, he'll get bored and move on. In an poetic reference to, uh, India Jones, he said, "Think of yourself as the treasure. Make me fight for your affections."
Fuck. As an instant-gratification lady, this is going to take some self-control.
He lives downtown near the Plaza, about 30-45 minutes away, which works in my favor because I won't be tempted to spend too much time with him too quickly.
I'm drinking with him at his house Saturday night after work. Alcohol hasn't passed my lips since about July 2004, and I haven't been fully-fledged drunk since December 2003. No joke. It's not that's I've had some horrible problem with drinking- I just always seem to end up in a bad situation with my legs spread, honestly. I suspect the most shy of people, like myself, have trouble handling being drunk. I'm looking forward to it greatly, though- I'm not looking forward to hiding this from Tyler, at least for awhile. Tyler does. Not. Tolerate. Drinking.
I'm bringing my longest-known friend Kayla to the occasion, whom I've coincidently never drank with.
I probably wouldn't even be doing this if he hadn't hardcore stressed that he will not have sex with me anytime soon.
Such a gentleman.
Now someone comment and leave me some love.
What started out, at least I thought, as a mutual desicion is becoming one-sided. Tyler is tore up. I still see him once a day. I love hanging out with him and our friends, but it's a mess when we're alone. He still says he loves me, he still kisses me, and he bought me flowers. The problem is...
ack. I'm dating someone else now.
Maybe I'm a whore, maybe I'm just cold-hearted. I suspect I have a talent for moving on. I just don't know.
I met Joe at work 6-7 months ago when I started there. My first thought when I met him was "Damn... that is a HANDSOME man", but went no further. Every so often I'd get the hint of feeling that he liked me, but mostly ignored it. Comments of me looking lovely and so on. One night he invited me out of nowhere to hang out with some friends. I had fun. The next time we hung out, he tried to kiss me. I told him he'd better hold off until I figure out exactally what was going on with Tyler and I. He apologised profusely.
Now we are casually dating, and I told Tyler. Tyler is calm as a hindu cow. He's not angry, just sad. Not that I'm trying to make him angry... it's just been my experience with guys that when we split and I do things they don't understand, shit hits the fan. I'm so used to a fight... you know, I guess I almost want it to happen.
All I want the most right now, for sure, is for Tyler to want to date as well. I told him it'd help him out, I do I believe it would. How could you be sure to marry someone if you've never even had another relationship to base off of?
I'm not sure with this thing with Joe is going. It came out of nowhere. To give you an idea- he's about to turn 24, about 6 feet tall, 200 pounds of mostly muscle (he thinks he's "flabby". Jesus.), drinks a lot, has a degree in Education and an undying love for football. Yeah. I guess you could say we have little in common, but for fucking once, it's interesting. I'm not sure yet if he truly likes me or thinks I'm exotic. Or I think HE'S exotic? We'll see. His killer since of humour and compeltely sincere attitude is what I'm loving right now. During a phone conversation where he was heavily intoxicated, he said I spark his imagination, from what I say to what I wear, and that I'm refreshing. He also warned me that if I make things too easy, he'll get bored and move on. In an poetic reference to, uh, India Jones, he said, "Think of yourself as the treasure. Make me fight for your affections."
Fuck. As an instant-gratification lady, this is going to take some self-control.
He lives downtown near the Plaza, about 30-45 minutes away, which works in my favor because I won't be tempted to spend too much time with him too quickly.
I'm drinking with him at his house Saturday night after work. Alcohol hasn't passed my lips since about July 2004, and I haven't been fully-fledged drunk since December 2003. No joke. It's not that's I've had some horrible problem with drinking- I just always seem to end up in a bad situation with my legs spread, honestly. I suspect the most shy of people, like myself, have trouble handling being drunk. I'm looking forward to it greatly, though- I'm not looking forward to hiding this from Tyler, at least for awhile. Tyler does. Not. Tolerate. Drinking.
I'm bringing my longest-known friend Kayla to the occasion, whom I've coincidently never drank with.
I probably wouldn't even be doing this if he hadn't hardcore stressed that he will not have sex with me anytime soon.
Such a gentleman.

Now someone comment and leave me some love.
I should have used the spinach in the taco's
-Nine Inch Nails.
Sorry, that was just the first thing that popped in my head.
Seriously, though. I think some guys are just too overly emotional. There's a happy medium that penis-bearing folk do not understand nor appreciate, for the most part. I hate to talk in generalizations, but I feel somewhat justified in this area. Couple that with the fact that he's not been in another relationship (as you previously stated) and you've got an almost perfect formula for over-attachment, and self-loathing.
Well, I'm talking too much. By the way, I'm sending some love your way, and some hope that things resolve wonderfully.